
Browse the dozens of articles written on kayak travel or paddling travel from some of the top kayakers, canoers, and paddlers. Read articles, watch videos, and explore pictures to help you plan your kayak travel!

Inside every paddler lives an adventurer’s spirit that is eager to break free. After all, each act of…

Photo credit: Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism (Lake Placid) The Adirondack region in upstate New…

Paddling through tranquil crystal clear blue waters in a secluded wilderness is a moment of zen that…

For most paddling lovers, a dream home would involve a backyard looking over a beautiful body of water…

Florida has a lot more to offer families than orange juice and amusement parks. It has some of the most…

British Columbia is home to some of the most spectacular bodies of water on the planet. This Canadian…

With something for everyone, the Mexican States of Veracruz and San Luis Potosi are definitely worth a…

A trip to Hawaii is towards the top of pretty much everyone’s bucket list. These isolated volcanic…

Every country has its own claim to fame and ways of enticing the traveling paddler. From white sandy…

Four kayakers set out to descend the fierce waters of the Karnali, as part of an expedition to one of…

Once you develop a thirst and passion for paddling it can become an all-consuming desire. Even when the…

This past summer, I was on a 23-day trip on two northern rivers in the Northwest Territories. By the…

Have you ever been the last person to go to bed on a camping trip? As friends retire to their tents, the…

Paddling is an adventure no matter where you set out from. It’s the desire to know what’s around the…

The end of a trip can mark a hard transition back into the real world. Days on the river offer quiet…

Follow Tom Vetterl on an incredible journey kayaking in East Greenland with a group of passionate…

For me, the end of summer is always marked by the September long weekend. The calendar rolls into a new…

The word portage loosely translates to “carrying heavy sh*t” and it is a time when most of us grit our…

Before I was domesticated, I spent more than a decade working paddling gigs between paddling trips.…

Without a Paddle is a canoe film about snowboarding, that blends a 140km winter paddle from the foot of…

Analia Giorgetti, a paddle boarder in Argentina, went out for a paddle on her birthday, and was…

GoPro Awards recipient and Million Dollar Challenge 2020 winner, Matthias Weger, embarks on a trip with…

by Chris Hopkinson On September 26th, 2020 I became the 1st person to SUP all 200+ miles of the…