
Before your next trip, make sure you've properly packed your dry bag. Credit: Marekuliasz Dry bags…

So, you are finally out on the water and itching to spend more time outdoors – maybe go a bit further…

Walker from Old Town shares a quick tip on how to pack a balanced canoe to help ensure better tracking…

The most important knot for all paddlers to know is the Trucker’s Hitch knot. It is a simple knot that…

We’ll take a look at the kit that I often choose to carry that I can access while afloat. This setup is…

If you are wanting to branch out and explore kayaking destinations farther than a car ride away, here…

Power boats and larger sail boats need ramps or designated areas for launching and landing. Paddlers on…

Loading a canoe by yourself can be awkward and difficult but with some practice and a few of these…

Wondering what to wear when going paddling? Answer 4 quick questions and instantly learn what you need…

"Thomas Oschwald just came back from an amazing paddle journey in Finland. This time his goal was not a…

A good emergency kit can make the difference between a dangerous, life-threatening survival experience…

One of the best parts about meeting up with a group of fellow paddlers is gaining some extra tips and…

The ax-blazed spruce that juts from the riverbank indicates we have arrived at the portage. A 2-mile…

There was a time not too long ago when kayakers didn't have fancy neo' nylon stuff sacks, front…

Each year the outdoor industry pulls back the curtain to showcase more and more "stuff" for us to drool…

One of the most regarded luxuries of a kayak is its use as a means of "escape", a chance to ply quiet…

The idea to produce a packsack for campers and canoeists probably emerged while watching streams of…

Ever tried to really get a steady view through binoculars while on the water? Even on a calm surface,…

It seems the older the camper becomes the lighter they want their pack. Problem is, with age also comes…

You'd think choosing a canoe pack, since it's only generally used for carrying a large volume of gear…

The pack barrel's story goes back to the mid-1980s when a group of canoe guides from Ottawa, including…

Whether you are a seasoned summer canoe/kayak camper or a novice, weekend warrior, you may be ready to…

The Versatile Wine Box Liner Bag  Remember the old wine boxes that came with the silver…

In 1971, I outfitted and guided three wealthy Chicago men--the least affluent of which earned a quarter…