Techniques & Safety
Spotting a whale or a pod of dolphins from a kayak, canoe, or SUP board is a thrilling experience that…
Photo credit: Facebook, Grand County Sheriff's Search and Rescue Two Moab men helped a family avoid…
SUP boarding is a fantastic summertime activity. Inflatable SUP boards make it easier than ever to bring…
Life Jackets only work when you’re wearing them. This might sound like the most obvious statement you’ve…
Photo by: Tom Gaffey If you are a seasoned paddler then you have probably come across some caves in…
Think for a minute. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve seen on the water lately? How about somebody’s…
For paddlers, understanding the limits of ability and equipment is extremely important. Too often,…
Rod, reel, hatchet? Check, check and check. Compound Bow? Double check – didn’t you see Deliverance?…
We’re all eager to enjoy canoeing, kayaking, and paddleboarding this summer, but many people overlook a…
When shopping for an affordable recreational kayak, many people assume that any model will do, as long…
Paddling at night can be an invigorating experience. People venture out in kayaks and SUP boards into…
The Sea Tow Foundation facilitated the generous donation of nearly 800 brand new adult-sized life…
There are amazing opportunities all over the world to snorkel and enjoy exploring marine life,…
The world’s largest paid-circulation magazine, Reader’s Digest, recently published a paddling safety…
As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, it becomes harder to get out and paddle and easier…
As a paddling lover you have a passion for the water you can probably trace back to your youth, possibly…
Flexibility is always a good topic of discussion when it comes to kayaking. Depending on our style of…
Kayak Hipster demonstrates and shares 3 things to try next time you're working on your low brace. The…
In this video, Chad Hoover shows you how to flip your fishing kayak upright and do a deep water…
Honey the River Dog. Photo by Allyson Saunders We are all guilty of scrolling mindlessly through our…
A frame grab from Sally Wallick’s video camera captures her rescue of a struggling and hypothermic…
When Christian Nelson’s kayak turned turtle 3 miles offshore, a friend’s cell phone was his only way to…
Getting back on your sit-on-top kayak isn't that hard - if you know how. That's why it's a great idea to…
This video shows an example of why you should never drink and paddle.