
Browse the dozens of articles written on kayak travel or paddling travel from some of the top kayakers, canoers, and paddlers. Read articles, watch videos, and explore pictures to help you plan your kayak travel!

Funny, how one's perspective on things changes with age. Trips that are easy when you're young become…

Let's say you are planning to canoe a river in northern Canada or Alaska. A trip guide, which you got…

We all want to get out there and start having fun. But a little bit of trip planning can really help…

Join father and son team of Brad and Wayne Jennings on a 5-day canoe trip to Temagami's Provincial Park…

We've had conversations about my neck surgery. More slicings are probably on the distant horizon, but…

Yes, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Everyone's yard has something in it that flashes,…

A handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver can be an extremely useful piece of navigation gear…

The access point on Lake Monson is at the head of a small inlet on the amoeba-shaped, glacial formed…

You've decided to go high tech and get a GPS receiver but are bewildered by the huge array of models.…

A discussion on the use of a compass from a kayaking standpoint begins with basic compass savvy and then…

Have you noticed that land features represented on a flat plane are called topographic maps while…

One of my regular canoe partner's wife has an active local club titled Stitch and Bitch where…

Wisdom can sometimes be found in some of the strangest places. Recently we made a trip to Key West for a…

Well, it's over. Football season I mean. It's a sad thing for sure. So now, what will I do with my free…

For me, 2011 will be the year of "why not" as opposed to the year of "why". Case in point: We've been…

Florida is an angler's paradise. Let's review why: Coastline - 1,197 Statute MilesTidal Shoreline -…

THE MAGIC OF FALL FISHING:  The leaves are turning and falling - the birds are migrating - the…

2009 marks the 100th anniversary of Quetico Provincial Park. Its creation in 1909 was a reaction to an…

Philip Edward Island is just south of Killarney Park in Ontario Canada and is another proposed extension…

The Blue Lake region in Ontario has an addictive quality to it - that's for sure. All the staff working…

If you can canoe Class II, you can do these two wonderful Canadian rivers! STEEL RIVER There are no…

Some years ago, a man called to chat with me about a canoe trip in Canada that I was leading for the…

OK, so you've made many successful trips into the Boundary Waters and Quetico. You've never been lost -…

Canoeing an arctic river is like canoeing a southern river, with these exceptions:The water is bitterly…