Ken Whiting
Boofing is the act, or art, of keeping the bow of your kayak from diving underwater, and it is without a…
Running waterfalls is a unique skill that requires lots of practice and a conservative approach because…
Reactionaries are diagonal breaking waves or holes, and are a common phenomenon on big water rivers.…
The following is a modified excerpt from Ken Whiting's book, 'The Ultimate Guide to Whitewater…
The following is a modified excerpt from Ken Whiting's book, 'The Ultimate Guide to Whitewater…
The seal entry involves sliding off the shoreline and dropping into the river. The seal entry is a fun…
The following is a modified excerpt from Ken Whiting's book, 'The Ultimate Guide to Whitewater…
The following is a modified excerpt from Ken Whiting's book, 'The Ultimate Guide to Whitewater…
The following is an excerpt from World Champion, Ken Whiting's new book, "Rolling a Kayak" …
The shoulder dislocation is to kayaking, what a blown ACL is to skiing. Why is this injury so dreaded?…
The 3 Golden Rules of whitewater paddling are a set of rules that all paddlers need to apply, regardless…
Aside from being much shorter in length, the biggest difference between whitewater and sea kayaks is the…
Emptying a swamped whitewater kayak is slightly different from emptying a swamped sea kayak because the…
One of the lowest-risk and most effective techniques for reaching a victim is by use of a throw rope. In…
"Only half of kayaking has to do with hard skills. The other half is mental, and your mental state is…
In whitewater kayaking, the paddle becomes an extension of your upper body, so the most logical choice…
Kayaks come in all shapes and sizes so it's important to understand the available options. Having the…
The three golden rules are a set of rules that when followed, will let you paddle the most efficiently,…
Rivers are some of the best places to paddle because they are usually very sheltered from wind and…