Ken Whiting
There are two ways of swimming through a rapid. You can swim defensively or offensively. Defensive…
The best rescues are the most basic rescues and the ones that keep the rescuer as clear as possible from…
Creekboating is as much a game of strategy as it is a sport. Half of your time on creeks is spent…
When I was learning, I was taught that kayaking was all about technique and that you didn't need to be…
Holes provide your most formidable challenge when running a rapid. More often than not, the line you…
Lateral momentum refers to the speed we generate perpendicular to the main current. For most river…
In 1992, my paddling improved more dramatically than in any other year. The reason was simple. My buddy,…
The first river running skills that any paddler will learn are how to carve in and out of eddies and how…
Ferrying is the act of moving from one side of the river to the other with minimal downstream drift and…
Eddy turn refers to the action of moving from the main current into an eddy, or vice-versa, and is also…
Rolling in moving water can be more difficult in some instances, but current can also help your roll out…
The back deck roll evolved from the need to roll as quickly as possible, which facilitates by skipping…
The pivot turn is the most powerful and effective means of turning your whitewater kayak and is one of…
The Power Stroke is a vertical forward stroke designed to help your kayak accelerate while carving a…
As you're discovering, a draw can be placed anywhere along the length of your boat--either statically,…
Once you're competently drawing your kayak laterally with draw strokes, it's time to look at the gliding…
Draws are dynamic strokes that either pull water towards or push water away from the side of the boat at…
The sweep is likely the most common paddle stroke you'll use to turn your boat, whether you are…
Most paddlers will develop a forward stroke that is powerful enough to get them where they need to go,…
Whitewater kayaks are designed to turn efficiently, so mastering a stroke that is supposed to make them…
The days of long, skinny kayaks shaped like logs with a hole carved into the top of them are gone, and…
Whatever type of river you're running, you've got to be comfortable with your paddling group. Too often,…
The "Hand of God" is a very useful rescue technique for dealing with beginner or novice paddlers who are…
The T-rescue involves a rescuer offering one end of his kayak to an upside-down paddler to use for…