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eTREX Description
The eTREX is a accessory brought to you by Garmin. Read eTREX reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other accessory recommendations below or explore all accessories to find the perfect one for you!
eTREX Reviews
Read reviews for the eTREX by Garmin as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!
Great little handheld GPS. I…
Great little handheld GPS. I use mine, along with the RAM mount, for extended offshore trips....I consider this as part of my safety equipment! Easy to operate and input way-points. Seems to acquire satellites much faster than older Garmin handhelds. Great value when considering functionality vs. price. Only drawback is that sometimes you need to press the toggle button a couple of times to get it to work.
I have an eTREX 20 and have…
The first trip I went on I did not have the topo maps on my unit. The tracking worked as expected as well as the timing devices. The screen is not as big as a smart phone but it didn't take long to adjust to this size. After I downloaded the topo maps and learned the BaseCamp software, I planned the next trip on the GPS unit.
That trip and the trip afterwards were even more fun with the GPS unit. The accuracy of the unit isn't the best on the market, but for my uses the tracking was incredible. The other benefits of having the topos is being able to identify landmarks and features to help pinpoint your location. I often kayak with people new to the sport and the areas, so I am constantly bombarded with the "where are we?" and "how much further?" This helps me quiet those folks down!!
The final point that makes this such a great value is that it tracks moving time as well as total time. It has speed tracking as well. These features are helping me get a more efficient paddle stroke and it also helps me plan for longer trips with more efficiency.
In conclusion this is a high value low cost necessity for my kayak and I would recommend this to every one that owns a kayak or a canoe!!!!!
I have had a Garmin eTREX GPS…
This is the eTREX HC, very…
Excellent product. We have…
My e trex Legend cx leaked on…
"Thank you for contacting Garmin International.Needless to say I am not real happy.
Our units are not 100% waterproof and we do not recommend you using them around water.
The flat rate of repair for your unit is $125.00.
If you would like for me to set up a repair, please send me the following information, and I will give you a return authorization number.
I've had an eTrex Legend for…
I used it kayaking, as a speedometer and to record a track for later integrating onto satellite maps. It claims to be waterproof, but the seals are sketchy at best. I always used a dry-bag for it.
The screen is very hard to read in sunlight and is fairly small, so the map feature was not useful.
It was great on the water, but the slightest tree-cover and it could not lock to any satellites. It was useless for hiking in the tree-filled Northeast.
The next device I get will have a display I can read in the sun and will work under trees!
Batt. 2 AA's. Great batt…
I bought the thing years ago…
I have had an e-trex for a…
Overall, I suspect it is an adequate unit, but not something to be trusted, and not supported by honourable after-sales service.
I have both the base model…
I bought the Garmin, eTrex,…
I am totally impressed with everything this little GPS can do. And what is does, it does well! I could go on for hours raving about this, but I won't.
It shows speed in tenths of a mile per hour, or knots if you like. It keeps track of distance paddled and shows the speed and heading at the same time. You can also customize the display screens to show many other criteria you may want to see. It also keeps track of the track you paddled in the Map Section, so you can go back and see where you paddled, or follow it back home.
I even dropped it in the water for a moment when getting out of my kayak, and the battery compartment didn't get any water in it. It appears to be very water resistant. The 2 batteries seem to last a long time too.
I like the display quality, and the fact that it comes with the computer cable to download new maps.
I want to let you know that this little unit covers about everything you would want from a hand held GPS. It puts my older Aviation unit to shame! It is one incredible little GPS.