Sit-on-Top Fishing Kayaks

Find and compare the current sit on top fishing kayaks that are on the market. A sit on top fishing kayak has an open cockpit and allows for the angler to get in and out of the kayak easily while also creating enough space for fishing gear.

Guide to Sit On Top Fishing Kayaks

It's more than safe to say that most kayak anglers prefer a sit on top fishing kayak. They are wider kayaks, more stable, have plenty of room for storing your gear, and many offer a standing platform to fish from. Many kayak anglers like the seat positioning of a sit on top as they are easy to get in and out of, the higher seat position gives you better visibility of the fish, and they are easy to get off and wade in the water when needed. Their wider base makes them stable enough to withstand the current or to stand up and cast.

When it comes to narrowing down your sit on top fishing kayak options, there are a few key factors to consider:

  • Weight - How much does the fishing kayak weigh? Think about transportation here. But more than just boat weight, how much weight can it carry? Most SOT kayak anglers have lots of gear and fishing accessories along with them, so make sure that kayak can support you and your gear.
  • Material - Most SOT kayaks are going to be hardshell, either polyethylene plastic or thermoform plastic. These hardshells are built for strength and stability. There are also inflatable sit on top fishing kayaks, which offer the added benefit of portability.
  • Propulsion - Do you want to paddle, pedal, or motor your SOT?

Sit On Top Fishing Kayak Reviews

We've been aggregating sit on top fishing kayak reviews for over 20 years! With thousands of reviews on hundreds of different boats, you're sure to learn a thing or three from your fellow kayak anglers. Once you've made your decision and taken it out, be sure to post your review and share with the rest of us! All reviews have been posted by kayak anglers like you; there is no better expert than the largest paddlesports community!

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