Trip Planning

By now, the term social distancing is something we are all familiar with and learning to adopt. As a…

Join Nouria Newman, Aniol Serrasolses, Benny Marr and Dane Jackson as they travel across the world to…

Just as vehicles have roads and rules that dictate the way they travel over land, the flow of boat…

It took 26 days for 8 Canadians to paddle the Grand Canyon. They completed this feat unsupported by…

Many industries have been dramatically affected by COVID-19 and tourism is certainly a big one. While…

Watch the winners reel of the 2019 Kayak Session Short Film of the Year Awards. The paddlers in these…

Follow 3 paddlers and a dog as they paddle some challenging whitewater on the Upper Magnetawan…

Now in this episode, we're heading to a part of Québec that's known for its charming small villages,…

In this episode of Paddle Tales, we're exploring the beautiful and fun city of Montréal. Located on the…

Sergi Basoli set off on a kayaking expedition on the Mediterranean Sea and he ended up finding his best…

In this episode of Paddle Tales, we're heading to a part of Québec that's considered by many to be a…

We're heading to another place that can best be described as a wilderness paradise with beautiful…

For the first time ever, three adventurers paddled all three of Patagonia's toughest rivers through some…

Follow a couple of friends as they share their UK SUP experience from adoption to finding the perfect…

Antonio De La Rosa, a 50 year old Spaniard, left the San Francisco Harbor on June 9th to start the 2,900…

Even if you do your research and check the weather before heading out, sooner or later every kayak…

Interviewed by Kokopelli Packraft. Photographs by Barny Young and Peter Williams. Barny Young is an…

"Filmmaker Taylor Graham and his team embark on a mission to document what remains of Arizona's…

Check out these friends that paddled the gorgeous cliffs, outcroppings and caves off the coast of…

"Rising Waters documents an attempt to be the first group to run all the rapids of the lower Terra Nova…

"During December in northern Norway the sun never rises above the horizon. The long polar night…

Earlier this month, I was given the opportunity to travel to Glover’s Reef Atoll - a protected…

"Seven days, three rivers, one kayaker: Nouria Newman kayaks solo in India! Nouria Newman combines a…