Getting Started

"Stand-up paddleboarding's great because I'm working out. I'm standing. You're getting a balance…

Check out this step-by-step breakdown from stretching the steel to testing the rivets under pressure…

People generally think paddling a longer kayak will make them go straighter, but with proper technique…

Greenland paddles share a lot of characteristics with a traditional paddle but they offer additional…

Learn about the slow resurgence of humpback whales in Howe Sound, BC. After nearly hunting them to…

See what went down at the 2018 Pacific Paddleboard Games. The racers had to navigate their way out…

This is as good as it gets. A 30sec ride, at sunset, at Mavericks. There's no better way to end the…

Learn the differences between plastic and composite kayaks where it pertains to weight, combing,…

Although paddling rivers and lakes is amazing, there is something about the ocean that sets it apart.…

Well just like that, we are on the verge of starting a new year and I am still questioning what…

Learn how to stay comfortable on the water when fishing in the cold. When you stay warm and…

One of the great things about stand-up paddle boarding is that it can be a remarkably safe and…

Ever wonder what exactly the weight capacity of a board was for? Turns out it's for the performance of…

Waterfalls. Rapids. Waves. Surfing. Watch the best whitewater videos of the past year.

Whenever you're paddling, there's safety in numbers and so it's generally not a good idea to paddle…

Whether you were new to paddling in 2018 or you're an experienced paddler, you can never stop learning.…

Performing a “bombproof” roll is probably at the pinnacle of kayaking skills. From ancient…

Every kayak is different just like how every human is different. Some kayaks work for people and not…

Assisting a capsized paddler to get back upright into a stable, water-free boat is the main purpose…

If you're doing some Christmas List reconnaissance for your favorite paddler or looking for a few extra…

Bracing provides support while leaning your kayak: 1) more aggressive boat handling during turns;…

So, what are our goals with paddling? First I want to thank everybody for all the fantastic feedback…

10 incoming Calvin College students had no idea what to expect when they signed up for an 8-day sea…

From a safety standpoint, sustaining injury to loaders or damage to your boat/vehicle are major…