Boats & Gear

Ever tried to really get a steady view through binoculars while on the water? Even on a calm surface,…

Mark Twain once described the Mississippi River as being "too thick to swim it and too thin to plow!"…

Learn the full glossary of canoe terminology in this excerpt from The Complete Book of Canoeing by I.…

You'd think choosing a canoe pack, since it's only generally used for carrying a large volume of gear…

By Tom Watson I contend, and will steadfastly debate, that the knife is the second most vital tool…

By Kevin Callan It's time to admit it: I'm soon to be 48 years old! At that age paddlers either…

Some years ago, I was privileged to join a canoe trip that was sponsored by Bell Canoe (now, Northstar…

Kayak camping is not all that different than backpacking - if anything it is easier as you don't have to…

In Kurasawa’s classic film Dersu Usala, the two principle characters, Usala, the Mongolian guide…

I recently talked with the editor of an on-line magazine who was reviewing the Twentieth Anniversary…

When Alv Elvestad, owner of Pakboats ( invited me to join him and three friends on a…

The ends of your canoe should have a fitting for the attachment of tie-downs and lining ropes.…

A lot of hand labor goes into building a good canoe, so manufacturers are constantly alert for ways to…

Blending with nature is part of what wilderness canoeing is all about, and for many paddlers this means…

In the mid-seventies, I shared an afternoon with the famous woodsman, Calvin Rutstrum, whose flagship…

A kayaking buddy, we'll call him "Ben", is one heck of a paddler. He's got years of big, blue water…

In the 1960's and 70's I was hooked on whitewater canoeing. When I moved to Minnesota in 1977, I joined…

By Claudia Kerckhoff Van WijkDirector, Madawaska Kanu Centre The "Canadian" on this page is not…

7 out of 10 camera repair requests are because the camera got dropped, the other 3 are because the…

One of the great companion activities associated with paddling is photography. The quietness of the…

Only once have I suffered the ill effects of hypothermia. Once was enough, however, for me to quickly…

I'm getting older, which means winter camping just isn't as fun as it used to be. Problem is, I still…

My dad was a quality control engineer. A sign in his office read: "Accidents don't just happen; they…

Creekboating is as much a game of strategy as it is a sport. Half of your time on creeks is spent…