Anna Levesque
These are my favorite moves to practice and improve angle, edge and vision. In this series of clips,…
The power of water can be intimidating, especially fast moving whitewater. Humans tend to fear what…
In my opinion, the wet exit is the important overlooked skill in kayaking because it can really help…
If you're like me, you've heard that stretching is good for you-- that it reduces stiffness and helps to…
Sprayskirts are made from neoprene and are designed to keep water out of the inside of your kayak so…
I've found paddleboarding to be a great complement to kayaking. It takes less time, it's a full-body…
Many kayakers believe that forward folding to stretch the hamstrings is a good way to protect their low…
I have met recreational paddlers who express to me that they already know how to paddle, have never…
Now I'll try and describe how to do the strokes you need to make your boat go where you want to take it.…
Lifting, loading and carrying a kayak seems to be one of the biggest concerns women have when they're…
Spring is here, the weather is warming up and it's a great time to shop for a new kayak. There are so…
As kayakers we have the unique ability to spend a lot of time close to water and observe the qualities…
Almost anyone can point their kayak straight down a class two, and even class three river, and paddle…
Loading your kayak onto your car by yourself can be challenging, so it's good to have a reliable rack…
Are you thinking of signing up for a kayak class? If you are, congratulations! It's one of the best…
In my opinion, the quote: "Failing to plan is planning to fail" is a bit dramatic as I do enjoy…
What would you do if money were no object? This isn't a trick question. Grab a pen and paper and write…
As an experienced female paddler and instructor who has taught thousands of women, I've observed that…
One of the best things about kayaking is that it's a healthy and fun activity to share with your whole…
Investing in good quality equipment helps to make your kayaking experience more comfortable and…
"Is there a graceful way to get in an out of my kayak?" The answer may be disappointing to many of…