Artisan Millenium

Artisan Millenium Description

The Artisan Millenium is a kayak brought to you by Kajak Sport. Read Artisan Millenium reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

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Artisan Millenium Reviews

Read reviews for the Artisan Millenium by Kajak Sport as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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I've had my Artisan for about…

Submitted by: Andy_Szymczak on 7/10/2015
I've had my Artisan for about 10 years now. It's still my go to boat' despite having 5 other boats. For my type of paddling, it excels! It's fast, can carry a good amount of gear and handles rough conditions easily. I maintain all my boats and the Artisan still looks like it's relatively new. Darn good looking too!

I recently purchased an…

Submitted by: kayakerjnj on 7/6/2007
I recently purchased an Artisan Millenium, after looking for a faster version of my Tempest 170 for two years. My requirements for my second sea kayak were the following:
Increased hull speed over my existing WS Tempest 170, for longer distance trips.
Easy to roll

This was a lot to ask for considering the outfitting in the TEMPEST is the most versatile and comfortable cockpit regardless of boat price on the market (in my opinion). The Millenium, although having a hard seat was indeed comfortable for long periods, I added a wave sport hip kit that worked perfectly to hold me in the medium width seat.
Paddling the boat is a joy, with a quick turn of speed and easy to lean turns for a long boat. The secondary stability is abundant, its very comfortable heeled way over. In conditions it paddles very well in following seas. Rolling this boat is very easy, and very comfortable. With the addition of the hip pads, and some thin foam under the knee braces, you can hang out upside down comfortably and securely during a setup with out loosing any boat engagement.
When I described what I was looking for in my next boat to my local paddling shop, I told him I was looking for a longer faster Tempest 170. The Artisan Millenium delivered exactly what I was looking for. This boat has plenty of volume and storage capacity, the foot pegs have some increased engagement area and are somewhat sprung to provide some compliance, which reduces fatigue in the feet. My only wish would be to have a lower the back deck, by about two inches which would make laybacks a bit easier on the back, but if you enjoy a sweep roll, you'll never notice it.

My boat was a consignment purchase that was in nearly new condition, the hull was in beautiful shape and the hatches sealed very well. I was very fortunate to find this boat and at a great deal. I've installed Kajak Sports optional minibox, it can be fitted under the the front deck. In this fully watertight box you can keep small things within reach during paddling. I thoroughly enjoy this boat!


After trying a number of demo…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 9/27/2006
After trying a number of demo boats this summer, including a Current Designs Solstice, Necky Looksha, Wilderness Systems Tempest, a P&H Capella, some Eddylines, an Explorer and a number of other kayaks, I got a great deal on a closeout Artisan Millenium this summer, and I have taken it out a quite a few times. I think that it is the best boat for me out of all of the kayaks that I have tried.

I was looking for a lightweight kayak that would be comfortable for me (I'm 6'2" 174lbs with size 12 shoes) that was fast, handled well, with plenty of storage space.

The Artisan Millenium is a very efficient boat and it doesn't seem to have the "wall" that many boats have near hull speed. It seems faster than anything else I have paddled. (I haven't tried a QCC yet, but the waterline and beam is similar to the QCC 700, though the Artisan has a bit more rocker I think). If you paddle harder it will go faster, and it is definitely fun to do that. There are definitely faster paddlers than me, but I was able to travel 9.5 miles on a lake in about an hour and 40 minutes, with a few minutes rest mixed in there without too much effort.

I have noticed that the pushrod that the artisan has instead of a cable connected the skeg allows one to choose exactly how much skeg to drop. It really helps to balance out wave and wind forces on the boat. It's literally possible to make precision adjustments to the skeg with changing wind & wave conditions if you feel like it, but it tracks straight without the skeg as well, with only a slight wave cocking in quartering waves. The Artisan seems to be very wind neutral.

The boat also handles 1'-2' waves and chop well, slicing through it like butter, and I can't wait to try it out in rougher water.

The Artisan's primary stability is good, but the secondary stability is excellent and it responds well to leaned turns, which is good considering its 18'3" length.

The fit and finish is very good. There aren't many Artisans in Minnesota and I've been complemented on its nice lines. My only complaint is the rather plain knob on the skeg control.

The fiberglass frame only weighs 51lbs, which is rather light considering the kayak's length. The hull does seem solid, however, and I usually try to avoid rocks, so I should be fine.

I was worried about the molded plastic seat at first sight, but it is very comfortable for me, even on paddles lasting several hours. The foot pedals are mounted on springs, and they give a nice solid feel, while supporting your whole foot. I haven't had any trouble with leaking and the bulkhead covers definitely do a good job. The fourth hatch cover just behind the skeg box is a nice touch so that the extra space back there isn't wasted. The biggest problem that I have had is that the rear main hatch is difficult to open and close because of its tight fitting seal.

I hope I'm not gushing too much, but I think that I have found a great boat, and I can't wait to take it out on the water again!


I've had the Artisan now for…

Submitted by: Andy_Szymczak on 8/7/2006
I've had the Artisan now for a little less than a year. Got it used and in excellent condition. Thought it best to experience the boat in varied conditions before doing a review. I've paddled a variety of boats, but none of them come close to the Artisan. It's fast, paddles straight, even in tough winds. Rarely use the skeg, but it's a dream to put down when I need it. Handles conditions really well! I look for windy rough stuff now. This boat makes it fun. My poor CLC 17 has been hanging on the rack since I got the Artisan. The only time it's been used is when I've lent it to a friend.

Craftsmanship is excellent, boat is perfectly balanced for a shoulder carry. When I get in this boat, all I want to do is go fast.


I have had my Artisan…

Submitted by: rwven on 7/5/2004
I have had my Artisan Millenium for a bit over 2 years now and I would have to agree with the others here that it is a great boat. It is a bit reluctant to turn downwind, but once you get it turned the excellent skeg holds you on the downwind course very well. In fact the skeg allows the paddler to lock onto any point relative to the wind you chose simply by adjusting it up or down, the further down the more the bow falls off. I purchased the rudder kit for mine but I have never installed it. The foot boards (rather than pegs) are very comfortable. The seat is not padded, yet I have never had a problen with "numb buns" even after hours in the saddle. It rolls easily, though I have some trouble getting laid back over the stern for recoverys. I tend to do a sort of modified (read sloppy) C&C roll, but the boat is so forgiving that it pops up pretty much first time every time. I am a 6'2", 210# male and the boat fits me very well. Yes, the cockpit combing could be a bit larger for my long legs, but I would not want to trade off the excellent thigh bracing for the ability to pull my knees out of the cockpit. Any sea kayak is a compromise of speed, stability, handling and efficiency. I think KajakSport has the blend just about right with this boat.

This is a follow-up to my…

Submitted by: paddler230433 on 4/29/2004
This is a follow-up to my original report two years ago. More experienced now, I still can find little to fault with the Millenium. It is a big, powerful kayak. I have never had trouble keeping pace even with younger, stronger paddlers. The one area where this boat is not great in that lightly loaded, it is a serious handful in the wind. The skeg helps, but I have considered changing to a rudder, for which the manufacturer offers a kit. I can't comment on the rudder, but here in Florida where we get a bit of wind it has a certain appeal. Other than the wind issue, though, the boat is ideal on the ocean. As I mentioned before, it goes on edge very well, turns easily considering the length (18'3"), and tracks well when straight. The skeg is not needed unless the wind is really howling. The hatches have proven to be bone dry even when I was learning to roll and spent more time upside down than right side up. The day hatch is accessable without too much trouble while sitting in the cockpit. The Millenium is proving to be very durable, there has been no trouble with it of any kind. At 50 pounds it is a handful to carry single handed, especially if it is windy. A lighter version would be worthwhile for wimps like me, although for expedition service the fiberglass is more practical. This is still the nicest kayak I have had the pleasure of paddling. It is truly beautiful on the water. I get favorable comments everywhere I go with it. A classy boat. Highly recommended.

This sea kayak is fast, turns…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 3/16/2004
This sea kayak is fast, turns reasonably well, handles well in a variety of conditions, and carries plenty of gear. Stability is good for its width. The knee/thigh bracing is excellent. The skeg works very well and is the best I've ever used. The hull and deck are built very strong, and I weighed the kayak at 56 pounds. The hatches are bone dry. The day hatch is in easy reach and easy to take off and put back on. My only complaint about this kayak is that the rear of the cockpit rim is too high to lay all the way back on the rear deck for bracing, sculling and rolling. Bracing, sculling and rolling the kayak is not difficult, but the kayak would be a lot better if the rear of the cockpit rim was recessed about two inches. Regardless, this kayak is one of the best overall kayaks on the market.

I have had my Millenium for…

Submitted by: paddler229029 on 4/10/2003
I have had my Millenium for four months under conditions from perfect-day flatwater to full gale. Overall, I love it, but like most kayaks, it has a few quirks.

I still can't get over the sheer beauty of the design. Workmanship is outstanding, with many extra touches. Between the broad foot paddles and unusually designed seat, it's far and away the most comfortable kayak I have paddled. It slices through the water with almost no wake, making even high-speed travel amazingly easy, and it tracks arrow-straight, even with skeg retracted. It also rolls beautifully.

The bad points: While it's very stable and safe in high winds, it becomes nearly impossible to turn, especially into the wind, without laying it nearly on its side. Even in calm conditions this is a slow-turning boat. Beginners will probably find it tippy, and I still feel uneasy sometimes paddling broached in heavy chop. Yet it's never taken more than a light brace to keep it upright. 9 going on 10.


I am a beginner at kayaking,…

Submitted by: paddler229573 on 1/30/2002
I am a beginner at kayaking, although my wife and I have been canoeists for over 30 years. We both recently completed a one day skills seminar so all the basic skills have been taught to me, but are not yet mastered. I paddled a Millenium a few days ago and must say that I was very impressed. I am 6' and 205 pounds. I found the Millenium very comfortable and found the foot braces easy to adjust and solidly supportive. The boat edged very easily and can be turned very easily on edge. In a straight line with the wind coming in at 11 O'Clock the boat tracked easily both with and without the skeg. The boat felt fast and had a lot of glide. It was well made and looking at the hatches it looks like it would be easy to pack and carry the necessaries for a week or two of camping. One thing that I particularly appreciated in comparison with a Legend is that the Millenium is at once more stable, and yet seems just as easy to put on edge. Where I found the Legend very difficult to get comfortable with, I was immediately at ease with the Millenium. This is truly an outstanding kayak.

This is a wonderful boat for…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 8/2/2001
This is a wonderful boat for all around use, especially for paddler who needs extra cockpit room. Hull is very stable, yet the most maneuverable large boat I have ever been in. Can take heavy water, and works well with or without load. Turns surprisingly quickly for this length boat - so can have benefit of speed, flexibility, and tracking. Skeg works very well, and is bombproof mechanism. Footrests are unique - they are large plates, mounted on flexible base, so your whole foot is supported and can flex a little - great on long paddles.

Nits - boat is heavy in glass (which means also VERY strong), and I use small piece of foam to hand carry at cockpit, because rim is sharp at balance point. This is only reason for my "9" rating.

Overall - one of the best all-around sea kayaks I have used in almost 25 years of paddling.


Rolls very easily. Good…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/2/2001
Rolls very easily. Good hatches. Very nice profile-looks great in the water. Skeg is trouble-free, although I don't put the stern of the boat down on sand. I throw my paddle underneat it. Roomy (6'1", 185 lbs, moderate build). Peddles instead of footpegs-very nice. Seat is fine, if traditional. Excellent coaming design. Makes a very tight fit with your skirt, and is great using the paddle to brace on getting out/in. Unique bungy system for paddle float rescues.

Complaints: a boat this expensive should have a keel strip BEFORE you buy it. By using bungee cord, I very neatly carry a Betsie Bay Storm spare paddle. I can access it from the seat, or from under the water. BUT, I had to figure out how to do this. A spare paddle is just about a must. The manufacturer should put on the bungee cords, or give you a picture(s) of how it might be done. Oh, nice fat deck lines. The last complaint has nothing to do with this particular boat: high end boats (well, maybe all boats) should come with a 1/4" thick bow and stern protector rubber cover which is permanently heat sealed on. End on, the boat would look a bit like a bottle-nosed porpoise. The bow and stern are the weakest places, AND the places likely to get dinged. Simple stuff, which is very annoying, like being pushed up under a fixed dock at a marina, or swinging around carrying it on your shoulder before you are clear, or getting rotated from a high wind when carrying it. Bill at Country Canoeist very nicely mounted a big Nexis compass on the front hatch cover. If they build one in, I sure hope they put it on MY side of the hatch, not out there where I can't see it.


This is the best Seakayak I…

Submitted by: paddler229134 on 3/5/2001
This is the best Seakayak I have paddled so far. And I have tried many; the Nordkapp jubilee, Sirius and many, many more. The Millenium is fast and stable. It is easy to pack gear into the kayak. Easy to roll and most important a great joy to paddle in all kinds of weather. The only problem is to stop paddling. Once you start paddling you will never want to stop.
Artisan Millenium