I have had my Artisan Millenium for a bit over 2 years now and I would have to agree with the others here that it is a great boat. It is a bit reluctant to turn downwind, but once you get it turned the excellent skeg holds you on the downwind course very well. In fact the skeg allows the paddler to lock onto any point relative to the wind you chose simply by adjusting it up or down, the further down the more the bow falls off. I purchased the rudder kit for mine but I have never installed it. The foot boards (rather than pegs) are very comfortable. The seat is not padded, yet I have never had a problen with "numb buns" even after hours in the saddle. It rolls easily, though I have some trouble getting laid back over the stern for recoverys. I tend to do a sort of modified (read sloppy) C&C roll, but the boat is so forgiving that it pops up pretty much first time every time. I am a 6'2", 210# male and the boat fits me very well. Yes, the cockpit combing could be a bit larger for my long legs, but I would not want to trade off the excellent thigh bracing for the ability to pull my knees out of the cockpit. Any sea kayak is a compromise of speed, stability, handling and efficiency. I think KajakSport has the blend just about right with this boat.