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The Andromeda is a kayak brought to you by Current Designs Kayaks. Read Andromeda reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!
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Andromeda Reviews
Read reviews for the Andromeda by Current Designs Kayaks as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!
Found a used Andromeda in…
Found a used Andromeda in Kevlar a year ago and had to drive for 10 hours to pick it up. Absolutely worth it! While it took me a bit to get used to it first, now, a year later, I truly love it. It has a bit of a subtle rocker, which I was looking for in a long boat, and turns easily when you edge it. It's steady on any water, maybe because of the strong V-hull. I have to put it upside down onto my car for transport due to my flat foam holders. Only recently I started rolling in it and it was pretty o.k., not as easy as my Avocet, but still descent. I guess I just might need a little more practice with it.
This boat is fast. It replaced my Chatham 18 which I loved as well, but it was slow despite its length. I'm 6ft and 182 lbs, and the Andromeda still feels roomy. Tried the Gulfstream a little while ago, it felt gigantic in comparison to the Andromeda. Glad I got the narrow version of Derek's designs.
As somebody else said earlier, not a first boat, but grab it if you find one.
This boat was a mistake. It…
Bought the Andromeda used.…
Bought the Andromeda used. 2002 kevlar model. its very light and pretty to look at. the deep V hull is very good tracking but still edges quickly and easily. Its a very efficient paddler and fast. i dont feel the boats primary stability to be bad a t all. in fact it feels solid to me. one reviewer said he had to use a paddle with float as an outrigger to sit still. i can sit in it as easy as my Tempest Pro. haven't full test secondary but it feels good as well. to recap Andromeda is a beautiful classic fast unique vessel. Not a beginners boat like 50 percent of the sea kayaks available.
Although this kayak is…
Although this kayak is narrow and appears tippy, it preforms well and is more stable than you would think. It has surpassed my expectations over the last 10+ paddles. The kayak handles well. I have not learned to roll it more my fault than the kayak's. I have not loaded it yet for an overnight trip but have been told that it handles better with more weight. I weigh just under 200 lbs. It fits me well and should fit slightly bigger and slightly smaller paddlers.
Although this kayak is…
Although this kayak is narrow and appears tippy, it preforms well and is more stable than you would think. It has surpassed my expectations over the last 10+ paddles. Handles well.
I feel that this kayak…
I feel that this kayak performs well enough but feel that the seat and/or center of gravity should be just a few inches forward. I feel that the nose sits just a little high.
Old School sea kayaking classic
If you like the British West Greenland style boats this is a good option. This is a Derrick Hutchinson design built by one of Canada's best builders. The build and finish are excellent. Unlike the British built boat these have the advantage of being light and strong. A comparison is the P&H Sirius which I believe is the same basic boat design and weighs a ton with little or no strength advantage. Vacuum bagged hull and hand-laid fiberglass deck. If you can find a Kevlar version of this design it will shave an additional 10 pounds off. Mine is all glass and weighs in at 53 pounds, so not exactly a light weight but manageable.
The Andromeda is not cutting edge in touring design anymore but that does not diminish the way it feels and paddles. Loaded with gear this boat will feel solid and track like crazy. Turning requires some leaning and carving. Unloaded it will be twitchy feeling sitting on its narrow 20" beam and deep-V hull. Once you have spent time in the boat the twitchy-ness will subside and you get more the feeling of a sports car like performance. It is effortless to paddle through the water and maintain normal touring speeds, I have raced the boat in recreational divisions and done well. Pushed beyond hull speed it will squat in the stern but still has very little wave-making. Over all it is a beautiful boat to paddle and watch being paddled. A classic!
Lots of room for touring. The storage hatches are tight and well made. Large round hatch forward, Large oval aft and also a third "day" hatch just aft of the cockpit. I have never had a problem getting 5-6 days worth of gear into this boat. Really there no room to spare and it does require packing more carefully. I am a tall paddler (6'-2") and find the cockpit fits well. Nice foot space under the tall rounded deck and even extra room forward of the foot braces for a water jug when you need to carry your own fresh water.
If you are a entry level paddler this boat will challenge you but might not be a good choice for overall performance and comfort. If you want to get that old-school British boat experience, this is a great choice. Classic Brit design with the quality Vacuum bagged Canadian build. I do not think they build these anymore. Maybe a special order to get a new one. Don't fret, there are enough used ones popping up from time to time. Since they are so well madee the used boats are almost uniformly in great paddling condition. I had to wait awhile to find mine but it was a 2002 boat with not a scratch. I have paddled other Derrick Hutchinson designs and wanted to experience this one which I feel is his best work. I mostly day paddle my Andromeda and instead use some more modern sea kayaks designs for long-haul touring, I still come back to this design and feel amazed by the audacity that created it and the experience it delivers.
Paddle on lads.....RIP Derrick Hutchinson.
Consider this: every prior…
Forgetting waterline length arguments and primary/secondary arguments, the plain fact is that as a package it is as close to perfect for me as I think I will ever get. Unlike the Extreme and other long/narrow performance boats I have paddled the Andromeda doesn't float on top like a cork. It seems to balance dig-in and float-on perfectly. Maybe I am just the right size or something (I am 180, 5'11, thanks for asking).
As for not being as fast as this or that...maybe on some graph, but paddler and water conditions negate minor differences, and I will take this sure footed boat over any purpose-built speedster.
If you can find one...buy it.
I've had The Andromeda for…
For a couple of years I…
I have had 14 very high quality canoes and kayaks over the years, and I've never had one I've enjoyed as much as the Andromeda. It is a versatile boat that's good at almost everything. It is a little low on storage capacity, but my wife and I are bicycle tourists and have very packable gear. We could swing a one week trip if we did not have to load a lot of cold weather gear.
I would not put a beginner in an Andromeda without teaching them a wet exit, but I think it’s the kind of boat one can enjoy as their experience level grows.
I think Current Designs put together a winner with the Andromeda. Now, if I can only get them to drop that rudder off the Extreme....
Boat has incredible lines and…
I just bought my Andromeda in…
In addition to other sit-on-tops and nameless plastic boats, I got a pretty good feel for different kayak characteristics. No kayak is a bad kayak, just unintended uses for a kayak that was not designed to meet certain conditions and demands.
The Andromeda is a long, sleek looking boat that has beautiful lines. This is a classic Greenland design though, not like the sexy modern looking Tempest. I ended up going with British designer Derek Hutchinson's boat partially because I've read his books and I like what he has to say about boat design. Sure, some of his ideas on paddling technique are arguable, but his experience in designing and making the first modern kayak out of his garage 30 years ago don't hurt either. He really changed the industry. I also like the classic look. My kayak should look like it came from Greenland, not the Matrix.
The Andromeda isn't a fast boat for a 17'3 overall length because its length at waterline is substantially shorter. In fact, if you look a the Sea Kayaker magazine reviews/tests of both those boats, the Gulfstream, another Hutchinson boat produced by Current Designs, has less resistance at all speeds while being 5 inches shorter. But what really excels about this boat is its performance is rough water. The rougher it is, the more you'll love this boat. Waves can hit you from any direction and neither the boat nor your confidence will be rocked. That being said, if I didn't live here in SF Bay, but on a very calm lake, I would have bought the Gulfstream (or the Chatham or the Tempest 170) even though I find that boat a little wide. The Andromeda is hard to relax in for a beginner since it won't sit still in the water due to its medium rising chines and lack of a flat/rounded bottom at any point in the hull. I found a way around this though so I can take my feet off the pegs, sit back, and enjoy the sun or the occasional energy bar. I have a Werner Ikelos paddle that is made of Carbon Fibre but the blades have foam cores. This means that they are quite buoyant. I place the paddle in the extended position perpendicular to my boat, and put a hand (or hook it under my elbow) on the side that it is extended. With the blade paralel to the water, this ever so slight tripod-action keeps the boat off to one side of the center line and extremely stable. So if you want to do some photography or just relax on this boat, it can be done. Fishing I can't speak to since I don't fish.
The Andromeda is incredibly stable, but does not offer high resistance in stability. This is an important point to distinguish. What this means is, if you're and intermediate or advanced paddler, you'll be just fine. In fact, you might love this feel as it's a boat you'll grow into, not out of, as your skill increases. This boat leans great and initial stability is light enough so it's almost effortless to get the boat on edge. When you have more advanced skills, edging and leaning the boat will be achieved more by your own balance-- by keeping your body weight centered and using your knee-hang to achieve the desired angle. As opposed to novice or recreational paddlers relying on secondary stability of the hull to hold them up, and prevent a capsize. I am tempted to say this is not a beginner's boat but that would not be good advice. This is a boat for the ambitious beginner who is looking to improve his or her skills and grow into a boat and more challenging conditions. Probably not good for the beginner who intends to buy an boat and use it twice a year and never take classes and learn rescue skills. Sweet boat for advanced paddlers.
This boat tracks like it's on rails. And this is without the skeg down. With the skeg down, you feel like an ice skater with a sharpened pair of skates on a new ice rink that just got Zamboni'd. The tracking has a weakness though. In following seas and wind, it tends to weathercock a little more, easily countered with skeg, but boat lean is not sufficient in this angle if winds are above 15 knots.
Now, because it tracks so well, you know maneuverability will be down. And that is the case. Every boat is a compromise, and I chose the pareto-optimum point for my tastes. I can easily turn the Gulfstream or the Tempest 180 degrees with 1 sweept stroke, telemark turn, and 1 more sweep stroke. With the Andromeda, I have to add 2 more strokes onto that sequence, although, I suspect as I learn to lean the boat over even farther while achieving counter balance with my stroke, I can get more turning action of the kayak.
Deck lines and hatches are great. I hate the boats that have cris-crossed bungee cords galore for no reason other than it looks kinda cool. The Andromeda has simple deck lines and bungees where you need them, and smooth beautiful curves where it doesn't. Hatches remain bone dry after a day in the ocean with swells and waves crashing on the boat. This is probably true because the Andromeda is made of fiberglass, kevlar, or graphite composite. A plastic boat's hatches will flex and let water in as the boat warms up in the sun.
Finally, this boat is a pleasure to solo load onto the car. I have the Kevlar 46 lb. version. But because of the medium chines, the keel line of the hull will get very close to my crossbars on my Thule rack system. I just put a piece of pipe insulation there (or you can use a surfer's bar rap from your local rack store) to guard against any chaffing if I go over bumps.
This is one beautiful boat! Slim, Sleek, Sensual to paddle. I know I love it, you'll have to test it out for yourself to see if you do too.
This is a perfect boat for an…
It has very good acceleration, and surfs very very well, broaching very correctable, tracking great. In calm seas the top end and efficiency is not as good as some other narrow boats of this length. However, as the sea gets rougher and the swells bigger, it become more stable, tracks even better, and the efficiency actually increases.
Loaded with 45 lbs of touring gear I find it very stable and seaworthy. This is the first boat that I learned to have a bomb proof roll in, due to its low rear deck, narrowness, and low volume. Now I can roll larger boats and with gear and in rough stuff.
Perhaps for longer coastal trips I will get the Current Designs Extreme, but for shorter trips this boat is so playful, and recoverable in, I love it.
I am 5'6" and 182 lbs. and…
I've paddled my Andomeda now…
The soft V-chine holds ever so slightly more than the rounded hull I am used to. She is incredibly responsive and has quite a good hull speed (about 4.9 mph unloaded and below ideal weight). Additionally, my forward stroke could use quite a bit of work, so I suspect this boat is even faster. She edges well, and again, has a slight hold on the secondary stability. Very playfull and turns a bit better than you would expect for 17'3".
My only critical comment is the backband did not feel as good as it could. Don't get me wrong though, they get much, much worse. The seat seems to be positioned closer than usual to the back of the cockpit. I completely remedied this discomfort with a 12"x1"x1" piece of foam on the back inside of the cockpit behind the backband.
The Andromeda also is about 3" longer than it's closest relative (the Sirius) and about 3lbs lighter (Kevlar comparison). If I had to describe this boat in one word, "perfection" comes to mind. I may have get another before CD stops making them.