Getting Started

Chad Hoover here. I see a lot of folks making the mistake of walking their hand up the rod when catching…

A chart is not a map. A map just shows you how to get from point A to point B through roads. A nautical…

Lifting and carrying anything 16 feet long is always going to pose some problems. With that said, canoes…

Robert Stehlik describes how to stand the right way on a stand up paddle board while surfing a…

"One of the reasons there are so many terms for conditions of ice is that the mariners observing it were…

Tandem kayaks, or doubles, are a great way for two people to get on the water together and a fantastic…

Kayaks now outnumber canoes on almost every waterway. Why are they suddenly so popular? Some years ago,…

When you're out on the water, you have to take into account two important factors — the…

Let me begin by saying I am a big fan of "do it yourself." I enjoy exploring, problem solving and…

In this video, Jimmy Blakeney looks at a few key stances, as well as tips for staying balanced while…

Whitewater is rated on a scale of increasing difficulty from Class 1 to Class 6. This classification…

Watch this short video that examines a valuable and easy technique to make paddling your SUP smoother…

This video features Darren Bush who talks about balance in a solo canoe. He demonstrates the…

I grew up in an area of Canada that is often referred to as canoe country. The landscape is dotted with…

The correct paddle length should be anywhere from eight inches to twelve inches above your…

The best way to carry a single sea kayak is with two or more people. However, sooner or later you will…

This short video looks at a few key tips that will help you enjoy your time in the surf more quickly and…

Since the number one cause of fatalities in sea kayaking and kayak touring is exposure to cold water I…

Pivot turns are a great way to turn your board and you can do them when you're stationary or moving. The…

We're gonna take quick look at launching in surf. First thing we're gonna talk about is the ideal beach…