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How to Land Fish in a Kayak Without a Net

Chad Hoover here. I see a lot of folks making the mistake of walking their hand up the rod when catching bass, especially from a kayak. So here's a quick "Just the Tip" on how to more effectively land fish from a kayak, especially if you don't have a net.

Since I got this little fish here, let me show you guys a quick tip about landing fish. I see this mistake a lot. Guys reel to the rod tip then go up the rod like this to land a fish. If that fish makes a surge right there you got a short line, you got no rod flex left, and the fish is going to break off and you're going to lose fish.

Instead of doing that here's a quick tip. Let off about a rod's length worth of line. Change rods to the opposite side from the fish and use it as a shock absorber, pushing up and away from the fish and bringing it into your hand, grabbing it by the lip. That right there will save you tons of fish. If that fish decides to make a surge you've got a lot of flex in the rod and you can get it with your wrist.

So instead of walking your hand up the rod, give yourself about a rod's length worth of line, leave a little flex in it, and you'll catch more fish. Or you'll lose less fish, how about that?

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