
Name: LJ64

Most Recent Reviews

Pros: Very sturdy and stable. Tracks well. Well equipped. Not too heavy. Good dry storage and pretty! Con: Seat not very comfortable and the adjustments kept slipping. Does not turn very well and took more effort to paddle and get up any speed than many much more affordable kayaks. Overall I thought it was overpriced and overrated and returned it to the store.

I bought this kayak as an extra for grandkids and for fishing. It is light and easy to handle by myself and it paddles and tracks pretty well. This is my fourth Pelican, the other three are Premium RamX, this one is not. It flexes more than the Premiums and is not as stiff. The seat is very uncomfortable and slopes to the back too much. I put an inflatable seat out of a Intex inflatable kayak in it and is much more comfortable. It is not as good of quality of the Premiums, but for the price difference, it is still a good value and it gets the job done.