Techniques & Safety

A post shared by (@paddling_com) on Aug 13, 2018 at 6:48am PDT

Any re-entry type of rescue, whether a solo effort or assisted, can be taxing on the capsized…

Introduced in 2017 through Kickstarter & Indiegogo, watch as long-time TRAK paddler, Keith Braun,…

Watch Trevor Tunnington foil the Dead Sea- which is 1,400 feet below sea level and 9 times…

Attempting to re-enter your kayak after a capsize can be a very exhausting effort, even with the aid…

By learning and using the J-stroke on your SUP you can not only catch waves better & faster but…

Watch Dane Jackson hit over 36mph in his kayak on Tenaya Creek in Yosemite, CA in this crazy kayaking…

In collaboration with the United States Coast Guard, we are pleased to be hosting a Safety Attitudes…

Firm foot support is key to proper kayak posturing in the cockpit. Bracing your feet while paddling…

Watch Edward Muggridge and Aniol Serrasolses drop a 100ft waterfall in Calgary only three others…

Protecting or shielding your hands from the elements while kayaking makes gloves and other…

Explore 24 safety tips ranging from stokes and recoveries to clothing and paddling safety. Even if…

A paddle float aid is a critical self-rescue/re-entry tool for the lone kayaker. When used as an…

Adhering to the fundamental safety rule that a lifejacket should always be worn when out on the…

Watch Spencer Lacy surf down a perfect iceberg slope into freezing waters in Alaska without…

Wondering what to wear when going paddling? Answer 4 quick questions and instantly learn what you need…

WASHINGTON, D.C. (March 20, 2018).  The U.S. Coast Guard’s National On-Water Standards (NOWS)…

Catching waves early is a great way to get into SUP surfing. There are less consequences and smaller…

The 2018 WMCKA Symposium will taking place, May 25th to 28th, at the YMCA Camp Pendalouan’s facilities…

Casper Steinfath is now the first & only person in the world that has paddled the treacherous waters…

In this video I cover some lessons I learned from messing up and mistiming a surf launch and a surf…

Even though the weather is getting warmer, most likely the water is still cold. Watch this video…

I took up kayaking on my move to South Florida in 2004. It quickly became the love of my life and in…