Width (in)
Weight (lb)

Fisherman Options

  • Tuf-weave Flex-Core

    49 lb
    Fiberglass Composite
  • Flex-Core w/Kevlar

    46 lb
    Kevlar/aramid Composite
  • Ultra-light w/Kevlar

    36 lb
    Kevlar/aramid Composite
  • Graphite Ultra-light

    36 lb
    Kevlar/aramid Composite

Fisherman Description

This short, wide canoe is stable enough to "set the screws" to a 6 pound largemouth bass exploding on your top water frog or lay back and relax in as you watch a mid summer's night meteor shower. The slightly rockered bottom makes the Fisherman maneuverable, while the boat's shallow draft will get you into places other boats only desire to go. Keep it at camp or at the lake house. Kids and other light weight paddlers will feel secure in the Fisherman.

Fisherman Specs and Features

  • Structure: Rigid / Hard Shell
  • Seating Configuration: Tandem
  • Ideal Paddler Size: Average Adult
  • Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
  • Ideal Paddler Size: Average Adult
  • Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate

Wenonah Canoe, Inc.
Fisherman Reviews

Read reviews for the Fisherman by Wenonah Canoe, Inc. as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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Have used my Royalex…

Submitted by: paddler236579 on 10/30/2015
Have used my Royalex Fisherman for around 15 years now. First, the word "glide" is not in this boat's vocabulary. Not made for that. But, for its intended purposes, it is a wonderful craft. Stable (initially), amazingly tough, off-the-charts capacity. As a fishing boat, it excels. I'm around 190 lbs., and I typically carry a heavy cooler, a large tackle bag, an anchor, two rods, a .22 rifle. No problem. I've done many camping/hunting trips where the amount of gear was excessive and had no issues, even bringing back a deer in addition to all the gear. Duck hunting, it carries me, a dozen big decoys, blind bag, gun, 100 lbs. of Labrador, etc. No problem. Plenty stable enough to shoot from so long as the dog doesn't break. During summer outings, the dog often jumps out for a swim and climbs back in. Again, no issues.

Weight wise, it's no featherweight, but I can load/unload it solo from a roof rack with no difficulty. Would not want to carry the boat any great distance. You don't want to paddle this boat great distances since it will wear you out. Corrective strokes are a constant necessity.

My boat is, by most standards, abused, in that it stays outside in the weather year-round, gets drug behind a four-wheeler, busts ice when needed, etc. Still, the Royalex hull is practically bullet-proof.

If you're looking for a wilderness tripping boat to cover big miles, look elsewhere. But, for a utility boat you can't go wrong with this one.


We bought a 1997 kevlar…

Submitted by: mgb_paddler on 12/18/2012
We bought a 1997 kevlar natural Fisherman with wood gunnels in 2011. Coming from rec kayaks, we were looking for a boat to allow my wife to go out with the dogs, either with me or by herself, or accompanied by me in a kayak.

First, the weight is fabulous! with the wood rails, at 38lbs, its lighter than our kayaks. The kevlar is quite durable, taking only minor scratches so far on our sandy and sometimes rocky Florida rivers. It carries a ton of gear, and seems to like being loaded down. This year I mounted a electric trolling motor to the stern, bought a cheap used battery, and have had even more fun! Two dogs, 3 people, and towing 3 other kayaks in the holiday boat parade. What a blast!
Downsides: Does not like the wind, especially when solo. You definitely need some ballast up forward when solo. Otherwise, its pretty tippy.


I have the kevlar version, at…

Submitted by: mickjetblue on 9/4/2012
I have the kevlar version, at about 36 pounds, so it is a pleasure to portage. Whether tandem or solo, this canoe paddles surprisingly well, and has good glide. If solo and using the bow seat with the canoe reversed, about 20 pounds in the front will trim it well, and if using a kayak paddle, it performs surprisingly good. The kevlar pointed bow and stern ends are an asset for efficiency.

My biggest surprise is the canoe's seaworthiness. I feel more comfortable in this canoe than I have in my other flatwater canoes, especially when in wind and waves. There is something somewhat mystical about seeing the water passing underneath, through the natural kevlar.
It is a winner!


I considered many different…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/3/2010
I considered many different things before purchasing this canoe. I love to fish so I wanted a canoe that was lightweight, stable and wide, but also want something that tracked okay. Wishful thinking, right? Well, I got two out of three. But that was somewhat to be expected. Today was first voyage and it was surprising fast. I stood up a few times and immediately noticed it was superior in stability to any canoe I have ever been in. Heck at 40" wide, how could it not be. You would be hard pressed to roll it. I was quite pleased for the first hour and then the winds started. I did quite a few twirls throughout the day. I had expected this and look forward to a day that is a little more calm. Getting in and out of the water by myself was a breeze and the trade-off for tracking is that it will turn on a dime.

Overall I am pleased with the purchase and would recommend it to others. Just know that if it is windy, you may struggle a little if you are solo.


This is a great boat for…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 11/21/2008
This is a great boat for stability. It tracks OK, but due to its width and short length, it does "fish" a lot. My 105 pound Labrador up front is great ballast. I tested it out all summer with him in it, no overturns, though there was a time I jumped out certain it would happen in class III rapids, and I kept the boat upright holding onto the side. Now, in duck hunting season, even though the dog has jumped out of this boat without uprighting me, I let some ducks go by. It was frightening enough in warm water, and I just don't want to risk it in the ice.

It's more stable than your usual canoe. I'm not going to shoot out of it with this dog, because I know he will knock himself out to get the bird, and maybe me as well. The tests in warm water were very encouraging, but not enough to risk death in cold weather conditions. Smaller dog or bigger boat for that!


I've lived with my royalex…

Submitted by: Steve_in_Idaho on 11/1/2008
I've lived with my royalex Fisherman for almost a year now and have decided that it's one boat in my "musical used boat trials" that I will keep. I think the Wenonah Fisherman is sort of a "sleeper". Although they market it as a fishing and photography platform, it actually is quite pleasant to paddle or pole just for fun.

Although it is slow compared to the average width canoe, it paddles easier than other boats in it's class (flat-bottom rec canoe) - notably (since I have one to compare), the 16' OT Camper. It tracks well when paddled tandem and not bad solo either if you do your part, while still quite easy to turn.

Wenonah advertises this boat as "relatively flat bottom", and I would put emphasis on the "relatively". It doesn't handle entirely like a flat-bottom but it does have a very shallow draft and lots of initial stability. Rocker is minimal (listed as 1.25") but it is definitely there. What you get is a very stable boat - easy to stand in even on moving water - but very maneuverable and easy to paddle, although not with a lot of speed or glide.

I have taken this boat down river through 1 foot and larger wave trains with surprising ease. It is a darn good poling canoe for shallow and twisty streams. It's shallow draft, exceptional maneuverability and surprising secondary stability make easy work in such conditions - so long as the current isn't too pushy. Upstream tracking is a bit lacking when compared to my Penobscot, but one can compensate in suitable flows by resisting the urge to advance too quickly.

I mention the Fisherman's secondary stability because Wenonah only talks about it's primary stability (which it has in spades). While it's not the boat to go around standing on it's gunwales, I can easily and predictably balance it high on one side (due, I believe, to it's soft chine) to carve aggressive turns, quickly side slip or negotiate a narrow passage while standing with my pole.

This is not a boat to cover large distances on lakes or for anything above easier class II. It is easily pushed about by a stiff wind (though not as easily as my Camper 16). But if you expect to spend a lot of time on tight-twisting channels in not-so-pushy water or extremely shallow water - the Fisherman just might be what you want.

I give it a 9, because although I think it's a good design and Wenonah does a great job of putting it together, and even though the Fisherman in royalex is pretty easy to carry as it is, I would like to see them use a contoured carrying thwart like those on Nova-Craft canoes.


I purchased a Camo Fisherman…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 1/17/2007
I purchased a Camo Fisherman in Royalex for my son and I to hunt and fish out of this past summer. I have yet to find one thing about the Fisherman that I don't absolutely love. We use it mainly for day trips but we have made one three night trip with it, and with a little creative loading of our gear we had plenty of room.

We moved from a 16 ft…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 1/21/2005
We moved from a 16 ft fiberglass canoe to the We-No-Nah 14 ft hence we were a little apprehensive about downsizing. This little canoe with its wide beam handles beautifully in rough or smooth water and is very stable. We carry a water bag up front to balance the bow (my wife is lighter than I) and keep it down and it cuts the waves nicely. Its super lightweight (Royalex) makes it extra easy to handle out of water. Royalex is quiet, strong and light. If there is a drawback - Royal creases and dents in gravel quite easily and the bottom soon shows the scars. Would we buy one again, you bet.

I bought this boat so that my…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 7/1/2004
I bought this boat so that my wife and I could go for the occaisonal tandem outing and I could go fishing solo on small lakes. It has exceptional initial stability-as a solo I can step right into it off a dock without grabbing the gunwales. I put a center seat in it and use a kayak paddle for fishing. It actually tracks fairly well for such a wide boat (39 inch beam) and if you don't need to go fast, it paddles quite nicely. It is an excellent compromise if you want to both fish and pleasure paddle at a leisurely pace. If you are interested in a roomy, comfortable canoe for small lakes and streams you probably can't beat this-especially considering the solo capabilities. Our Royalex version only weighs 57 pounds and it paddles like a dream for the intended purposes. It's not fast, but it is very manueverable and easy to live with.