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Challenger Description
The Challenger is a canoe brought to you by Mohawk Canoes. Read Challenger reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other canoe recommendations below or explore all canoes to find the perfect one for you!
Mohawk Canoes
Challenger Reviews
Read reviews for the Challenger by Mohawk Canoes as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!
Good canoe for what it is…
I have had the Challenger for many years and this is the canoe I take out just to have fun paddling. If you find one, it is worth the money. The current model from Mohawk is the Oddesey which I have not paddled is supposed to be a better version. Mohawk canoes are the most underrated company. I have several including a Probe 12 which is an Awesome whitewater canoe.
Bought a used Challenger in…
They don't make these anymore but have a model called the Odessey which has more freeboard but a similar hull below waterline. If you can find one, buy it! Great "only one" boat.