I love the style, fit (tight…
I love the style, fit (tight and implosion resistant)and comfort of the IR Excursion skirt as noted by previous reviewers. My only problem with the IR Excursion is that it leaks badly - causing my thighs to be soaked just from paddle drips and splashes onto the deck. IMHO a high-quality spray skirt should not leak from paddle drips, so I contacted IR.
I was told that it is almost impossible to create a watertight seal between the neoprene and skirt and the nylon tunnel. However, the new Excursions are tape sealed from the outside of the skirt, and IR generously offered to tape mine on the outside. In the meantime, I completely sealed the neo/nylon from the outside using tent seam sealer available from Wal Mart and any other store with a camping department. No more soaking from paddle drips.
High marks to IR overall for their great customer service.
I have two, one for a QCC…
I have two, one for a QCC Q400X and one for a Pyranha Fusion. It fits the QCC tightly and the Pyranha not as tightly on the sides. IR lists the skirt as a touring skirt and that it is but have also used it in up to Class II+ whitewater in the Fusion. I would not go above that. What I really like about the skirt is that it is so comfortable, not as hot as nylon or restrictive as full neoprene skirts.
In late November 2007, my new…
In late November 2007, my new "Excursion Touring" Spray skirt arrived, but so did the freezing weather in New England. I put the spray skirt away in it's package, to be tried the following April. April came and I realized that I could not engage the spray skirt on my kayak with out the help of another person, so again I put it away, and used an old beat-up one for the summer. In October of 2008 realizing that I had a lot of money invested in the Immersion Research skirt, I called Roger Loughney in customer service, and explained the problem, and why I was so late reporting the situation with the non-fitting spray skirt. This was not a problem to Roger who promptly went about rectifying my awkward situation. He sent me a video on how to properly put on a spray skirt, along with an XL sized skirt, and also another model spray skirt for me to try. After I selected one with a good fit, he enclosed a paid return slip for me to return the none selected items. I could not have had better customer service, considering I sent the Spray skirt back almost a year later. I love my new Immersion Research, "Excursion Touring Spray Skirt" and the quality is outstanding as is the customer service.