​Wayne Horodowich

The surf zone can be a very challenging and exciting place when you are in your sea kayak. It can also…

Even with your best planning there are times where you will find yourself being turned parallel to the…

The surf zone can be a fun place , but for many it is a place that raises anxiety levels and conjures up…

I remember when I first heard about the re-enter and roll. I thought it was illogical. If I knew how to…

There are times where it may be to your advantage to try to empty the water from your kayak while you…

There may come a time when your paddling partner loses their boat or you may have a swimmer that needs…

As an instructor I try to provide experiences that simulate more difficult conditions while still being…

As a kayak instructor I want to know if my students can wet exit from their kayak. I am sure my students…

Reducing exposure time and not having to do a wet exit and recovery are excellent reasons for perfecting…

One of the most fundamental skills a paddler needs to master is stabilizing their partner's kayak so…

The first time I was asked to stand in my kayak as part of a training exercise I couldn't imagine the…

Unfortunately, too often, I hear of paddlers with sore shoulders or those recovering from shoulder…

I always tell my students "when nature calls, answer!" If you are in your kayak and out on the water how…

The more I lecture and give clinics in how to negotiate the surf zone in a sea kayak, the more I am…

Landing your kayak through a surf zone can be fun or terrifying. Fun if you know how to do it and…

Over the years I have found a number of kayakers that don't like having their backs to the incoming…

There may come a time when someone in your group will not feel comfortable to land their kayak through…

Early in my kayaking career, I would get extremely frustrated when I could not do a skill I had seen…

Getting through a surf zone can be challenging. Having an understanding of the forces in the surf zone…

Summertime is here and the masses head for the water. Some of those masses are us kayakers. By electing…

There are many different methods for towing an injured, sick or fatigued paddler. Contact towing may be…

"Clip in for a tow." It is such a simple phrase yet the implications, concerns and challenges are…

There are many different reasons where a paddler needs to be towed. A few of the reasons can be injury,…