Love the DLX. Sturdy, well built, easy to assemble (just click the wheels on), and off you go. Even the straps/buckles are easy to use, grip well, and have extra material under the buckle to avoid scratches on your yak (nice touch). I was wondering if I'd actually use the kickstand that they mention on their website, and it is very convenient when loading.
I have a pair of Jackson Coosa yaks, fully rigged for fishing. When we load them up, they are a bit heavy for my kids/wife, so I decided to buy a cart. A Coosa weighs 70lbs before you put anything else in it, so I wanted to be sure to get a durable cart. I tried the Suspenz SOT, but it didn't fit the Coosa because of it's distinct body and Scuppers, so Suspenz swapped me the DLX. Customer service with Suspenz is really great, and that's worth something when you are ordering over the net.
I've been in sand, mud, river gravel, and heavy gravel (2 -4" chunks), and the DLX just rolls along. I am very pleased, and shouldn't have waited so long to take the plunge. The DLX is a great all-purpose cart, and I expect to get tons of use out of it