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- Mariner 124
Mariner 124

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Mariner 124 Description
The Mariner 124 is a kayak brought to you by Future Beach Leisure Products. Read Mariner 124 reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!
Future Beach Leisure Products
Mariner 124 Reviews
Read reviews for the Mariner 124 by Future Beach Leisure Products as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!
My wife wanted to try out…
Pros - It is quite stable, low price, relatively light and easy to move, comfortable seat for up to a couple hours, tracks pretty good.
Cons - A few screws have pulled out (plastic seems soft), the paddle holder can take out your knuckle if you aren't careful.
I purchased a Mariner 10.4…
The padded seat is very comfortable and is even adjustable. There are 2 storage compartments of which one fits my car keys and cell phone perfectly. It makes a great seal so I am assured no water can get in there. The adjustable foot plates give my legs good support for paddling. There are easy to grip handles on both ends of the kayak which make pulling it so easy. There is even a drain on one end that when unscrewed will drain any excess water out of your boat. The price of the Mariner 10.4 is fantastic and well worth this very durable and comfortable kayak!!
The Mariner 124 is simply put…
One last thing if you're like me and a larger person, your will want this kayak. After jumping off my Mariner and getting back in gracefully I am fully convinced. Along with the capacity being 300 lbs. Trust me when your friends are jumping in the lake on a 90 degree day. You're stuck because you know you can't get back into your kayak you will regret buying any other kayak.
I should mention the kayak has great storage for entry level kayak. The two compartments do well at holding water out. I found this feature helpful opposed to my last kayak the storage was so bad I always lost cargo when I tipped.
Ergonomics of the kayak are supremely designed. When I heard that the kayak was extremely stable my first reaction was that it must be slow and unmaneuverable. False, again in comparison to my old kayak I found the mariner 124 to be extremely maneuverable. A must own for any person wanting to fish.
In conclusion, if you want the best kayak money can buy under $500 get the Mariner 124. I recommend it because it is so stable, maneuverable and looks awesome!
See more at blog post with Pictures:
This is a great kayak for…
I purchased Future Beach…
I am very pleased with this product. It has a large cockpit that allows me to enter and exit it easily. The bottom is fairly flat making it very stable in the water. It is sturdy and very well suited for new paddlers.
Only real con it the tracking is only fair but for a new or leisure paddler it is fine. The price was excellent too since I did not want to spend too much money starting out. I have really enjoyed this product and would definitely recommend it.
Bought 2 Mariner 10.4 and…
The Mariner is great for the…
I recently bought a Future…
I am extremely pleased with this kayak. It tracks well and is very stable. I am short and round so I have plenty of leg room and ample room to move around and wiggle. No fear of tipping. I am going to add some fishing comforts such as a rod holder and an anchor trolley in the near future. Have loaned this out to friends and they love it too. Think I may have converted some Old Town faithfuls over to Future Beach. Great kayak for the price $179.00 at Dunhams.
I bought two Future Beach…
Previous to owning the Future Beach Mariner 10.4s we had 2 Sun Dolphin kayaks and riding in the Mariner is like riding in a limo where the Sun Dolphins are like a clown car! I am sold on the Future Beach products!
My son and a friend of mine liked them also and bought the Future Beach Fusion 120. I have also since bought a Fusion 120 and a 10' Spirit sit on by Future Beach. I have not got the Spirit in the water yet but I write a review as soon as I do get a chance to try it out! I think in this price range the Future Beach kayaks are the way to go!
Just got to use my new…
Good starter kayak. It is…
I am new to Kayaking. I…
New to kayaking, so we…
This is a great first kayak!…
Just purchased the Future…
My daughter and I each…
It's very stable and quite responsive. The seating and foot pegs are comfortable, even for short me. There is a large (not dry)storage hatch aft (we each carry half of our one set of a two-kayak car top carrier, as well as a first aid kit, emergency paddle, etc). The cockpit is spacious with room for a small cooler. Add two cup holders, one in the cockpit the other on deck, and a very small dry-storage hatch on deck...what more can a river paddler need? While it's too heavy for me to load/unload on my own (I'm 65 and not terribly strong on a good day!), the two of us can easily load and unload. A good investment for beginners.
Understand that this is not…
I was interested in this kayak for several reasons; mainly stability, cockpit space, price and modification possibilities.
First off, this kayak is incredibly stable. Being a 'sit-in' your center of gravity is lower and the wide beam (31.75 in) make moving and jostling around in the huge cockpit worry free of tipping over. But, I wouldn't be taking this out on the ocean or fast moving rivers.
The cockpit is indeed huge. The seat is moderately comfortable for a cheap kayak. The ample side space in the gunwale is perfect for mounting a hand bilge pump and other accessories such as waterproof wallet and keys box, short fishing rod mounts and slim, side mount tackle box, just in case the fish are jumpin' and you're just out for a quick paddle.
This is by no means a fast paddle, for sure. But it is deftly maneuverable in close to the shore for creeping up on those fishing hole hide-outs. And for a wide hull, it tracks better than you'd expect not soaking up much energy with 'side waddle'.
As for mods, I drilled in a couple of flush-mount rod holders and mounted a Scotty rod holder up front. And of course, no fishing rig is complete without an anchor trolley. A new seat upgrade, of course.
The price was 180 bucks with a coupon at Dunham Sports. Such a deal for this exceptional kayak configuration. I would hope that if this is a discontinued model, that they don't destroy the roto-mold. Every kayak collection should have this versatile model in it.