K1 Expedition Single

K1 Expedition Single Description

The K1 Expedition Single is a kayak brought to you by Feathercraft Products. Read K1 Expedition Single reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

Feathercraft Products
K1 Expedition Single Reviews

Read reviews for the K1 Expedition Single by Feathercraft Products as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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Bought my K1 in 93 and have…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 1/11/2021
Bought my K1 in 93 and have used it on and off since depending on my location. I can say that it has been in most major bodies of water in the world including the Congo River. Been in water that I wished I wasn’t but the kayak handled well with no issues. One thing I would like is to meet the person who can put it together in a 1/2 hr.

I got my boat about a month…

Submitted by: paddler236712 on 6/18/2018

I got my boat about a month ago and have been paddling it regularly. I wasn't sure what to expect from a folder, but this has been very positive. Assembly was straight forward and no confusion. Parts are well marked and thought out. Great quality. This boat deserves it's reputation. The boat paddles and tracks easily and doesn't need the rudder to steer. The only downside is the seat back. After a couple hours it gets uncomfortable and tiring, something to experiment with. I was looking for a folding boat to carry in my truck camper and this will do the job. My previous boats have been fiberglass and this compares favorably.


I have had this K1 for about…

Submitted by: paddler232020 on 5/7/2007
I have had this K1 for about 15 years. It's the pre-seal skin Cordura model. I have to say it's everything you would want in a kayak. The foldability puts it into a league of it's own because when assembled it handles as well as any hard shell kayak, but the foldability lets you think about using your kayak anywhere in the world, not just driving distance from your house.

I have taken it on a week long solo trip in Prince William Sound in Alaska and I was amazed by the comfort even after a few days of paddling, and the boat was still dry inside. The skin on frame lets you feel the water around you and somehow that feels more natural than a rigid hull.

This boat stands on it's own merits for ease of paddling and performance but when you think of the options for use it definitely shines. You can leave it assembled and car-top it, you can leave it packed and drive it to where you want to paddle and then set it up ( and you'll most definitely have a crowd of on-lookers), or you can put it on a plane and go anywhere. To me the flexibility of use is the clincher.

Storagewise: It has no internal bulkheads so you can stuff your stuff anywhere. The carrying capacity seemed fine. On my week long trip I never needed to strap anything on the deck.

Stability: The initial stability is excellent, perfect for photography or just sitting and relaxing. I don't really know about secondary stability because I have never tried to roll it or edge it, and I don't want to. It tracks really solidly and I have never felt like I had to fight it to get it to turn.

After ten years of use (granted not constant use) it has never needed any repairs and the hull seems like it's holding up excellently. Since I bought mine (in 1992) they have made lots of improvements, so I guess they're even better now. A great boat hands down!


I've had my K1 for a little…

Submitted by: paddler231085 on 5/17/2005
I've had my K1 for a little over a year now & have taken it out in a variety of conditions, both empty & heavily laden, mostly around the west coast of Scotland. I should add that I'm neither particularly strong nor skilled.

One of the attractions of the K1 for me was its high initial stability as I often paddle alone, at least on sheltered waters. I have not been disappointed in this respect & when practising self-rescues have found the boat easy to re-enter from the water even in quite rough conditions. If necessary I've found a paddle float rescue also works very well. I've found that I can easily stand up in the boat & even paddle forwards whilst standing.

Leaning the K1 just a little makes it very easy to turn & I can turn it 360 degrees in 6 or 7 strokes.

However I do find that it very quickly reaches a point that feels very unstable & likely to flip & I find it hard to recover from this position using a brace, whereas I can get my old Valley Skerray right onto its side by sculling & still recover. I certainly wouldn't want to attempt that in the K1.

Having said that, I don't think it's likely that I'll ever need to get it over that far in the first place.

The boat tracks reasonably well although does weathercock a little. The rudder works well but does seem to have a quite significant effect on forward speed. In most conditions it keeps up quite well with skinny hardshells. However, in very rough water & strong headwinds (Force 7ish at right angles to two converging tidal streams) I really struggled to make forward progress at all whereas the hardshell paddlers I was with seemed to punch through it much easier. I suspect the boat may have been flexing to such an extent that it lost all ability to glide.

I tend to leave it assembled most of the time as the assembly is still a bit of a pain even after many goes. It takes me about 40 mins now, down from 1.5 hours at the start. Also I find the maintenance a bit of a pain. You can't just flush it out with a hose. A considerable amount of salt can crystallise inside the frames & has to be washed out after every trip. The boat has to be dismantled to do this.

Having said all that, it is a joy to paddle & particularly suits my leisurely, exploratory style whilst still being a very attractive boat.

It certainly can't do everything perfectly but is there a boat out there that can? I would probably choose it again as I don't think anything else has such a good all-round combination of traits.


I think reviews on this site…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 9/22/2004
I think reviews on this site tend to be too high, but I really do mean "9". My only complaints about the K1 are the deck bungees and fittings are thin and cheap, and the backpack that it comes with is not very good -- you really wouldn't want to backpack this 50 lb boat in that bag. But the boat itself is super. Handles well, rolls quite nicely for a folder. I would buy it again if I were looking.

I own 3 Feathercraft kayaks.…

Submitted by: paddler230471 on 2/18/2004
I own 3 Feathercraft kayaks. A older Cordura deck K-Light, a 1996 Cordura deck K-1 and a 2000 sealskin Klondike. The K-1 is just the best all around boat there is. I have used it on Canada's West coast, and in numerous rivers in the prairies. Very shallow draft allows this boat to river trip where canoes can't go! The old style frame design is, in my opinion, much stronger than the newer design. As for being slow to build, I have modified the seat sling with 2 huge YKK zippers, which allow the seat sling to be installed AFTER the boat has been fully put together. This makes assembly much easier and faster. All in all, this boat is first class. Stable, huge carrying capacity, and the finest materials money can buy. Feathercraft offers after-sales support second to none. Buy one of these boats, you won't be sorry.

This is my second…

Submitted by: samelnyk on 8/4/2003
This is my second Feathercraft (my first was a Big Kahuna) and my sixth kayak. I have now had it out for a week and I have walked away thoroughly impressed. This boat is great on the water -- there is no performance penalty. It is stable -- in confused waters, it seems to find its own way of getting out of troubles. It is easy to paddle and to maneuvre. It is a great boat -- just as good as my CD Gulfstream or my Necky Looksha IV HV. Unlike the Kahuna, the structure seems to be rock solid. In short, highly recommended.

My only ding -- I have the boat with the sailing modification. The assembly was a real pain in the a** -- more so than it should have been. Highly recommended.


I have had my K-1 for a…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 11/6/2002
I have had my K-1 for a paddling season now (purchased April 2002)and undertaken several multi-day wildcamping trips along the West Coast of the Scottish Highlands and Islands where I live. I bought it after a weekend try-out trip: no other kayak I have ever tried impressed me so much so quickly.

I love sea kayaking mainly for the places it takes me, the closeness to the sea, the marvellous encounters with wildlife, the feeling of being able to go wherever I have the will, stamina and skill to go. The K-1 is the perfect boat for this. It handles beautifully in all conditions, it is a dream to pack and unpack gear with huge capacity yet paddles just as well when empty (with floatation bags). It is extremely well made and very well thought out.

One of the greatest pleasures from skin and frame boats is that you can feel the water beneath and around you; the boat flexes and moves with the sea rather than bashing its way through it.

I have had no trouble keeping up with hardshell boats of all types, and in rougher conditions I often seem to make better progress with less effort: don't believe any stories you may have heard that folding boats are slow. The rudder is useful at times, but can easily be flipped up or even just packed away inside the boat at the start of a paddle.

The K-1 is marveloously comfortable. The cockpit does seem huge at first (I am used to a very small ocean cockpit from my McNulty Huntsman), but you soon get used to it. I have fitted inflatable hip-pads which significantly improve the feel of the boat. Thigh braces are also available and I think these would be very useful if you envisaged doing much rolling in the K-1 (I am an unreliable roller at the best of times, and have not yet attempted to roll the K-1: I'm told it is doable but takes some working on, as everything happens rather slowly). The initial stability is awesome, and the secondary stability rock solid, but the boat doesn't feel lifeless or "barge-like": it responds well to leaned turns. Although the rear deck is quite high, the boat is easy to re-enter in case of a swim, and a paddle-float is unlikely to be needed.

The boat weighs in at about 52lbs. It is easy to shoulder-carry. I have only had it one season, so it is too early to give personal experience of its toughness, but most of the coast around here is rocky, and I have had to make a few rough landings with no visible wear at all to the hull. And I take comfort from the fact that if a tear does happen, it can be permanently fixed as easily and quickly as a bicycle tube, or temporarily with good old duct tape.

Downsides? Well, it is a big investment: but investment is the right word. And compared to a fancy car or a basic sailing or motorboat it's a bargain. Long after you've forgotten the financial shock you'll be getting huge enjoyment out of this boat - it is definitely excellent value for money.

As for assembly, well it's not as quick as some other makes, but it does get quicker both as a new boat takes up its shape and as the owner gets more savvy. Some people say they can get it assembled in about 25 minutes (that's the psot-1998 Sealskin version, which I have), but I take a good 40-45 without rushing, and including a couple of extra bits like the hip-pads. That said, I often leave it assembled for long periods and car-top it to destinations without any harm. I didn't buy the K-1 principally for its foldability: I regard that as a bonus.

Would I change or improve anything? I don't think so. It would be great if the K-1 would assemble in 10 minutes, but that couldn't happen without compromising it's superb dynamics. Like the original Ford, you can have the hull in any colour so long as it's black - white would be nice but presumably there are technical reasons why that's not possible; however the deck comes in, I believe, a choice of 5 very fetching colours. The rudder is first-rate, but it woudl be nice to have dual pedals, like the Cascade design, with a fixed section and a movable section. But these are the merest quibbles. The boat has evolved over the years into a true classic: 16'6" of pure joy.

In conclusion, I can't imagine any kayak suiting me better. Everyone who has tried mine has been hugely impressed. I have paddled my K-1 in some fairly hairy conditions (up to Force 7) in which I'd have been distinctly jittery in my beloved old hardshell, but in the K-1 I felt relaxed and completely in control, even when considerably better paddlers alongside me have looked rather nervous in their hardshells.

For really skillful paddlers the narrower and less stable Khatsalano might be a more exciting alternative, but it does lack the carrying capacity of the K-1. I have also tried the Kahuna, which is utterly delightful but really a day or week-end boat. For multi-day and night wildcamping trips over long distances in potentially big weather and seas, but with equal ability as an unladen day-boat, I think the K-1 is peerless.


I actually own both a…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 9/12/2000
I actually own both a pre-SealSkin K-Light as well as a year 2000 SealSkin K-1. While the K-Light is a very nice boat, for me (222 lbs and 6'3") it is just at the limit that I can fit in. The K-1 fits me fine with room to spare. Dream to handle and keeps up with younger paddlers (I am 62 1/2). In rough water, I can leave them behind.

The K-Light was stable but the K-1 is even more so. I suspect the 16'6" length has a lot to do with it. Amazingly, from a full speed paddle, I can stop paddling and it will still be moving 200 or more feet later (still water). I paddle with a Werner carbon fiber 230 CM 4 piece paddle which packs nicely.

Yes it is expensive, but so is a sports car and this is the sports car kayak. SealSkin is 840 deiner nylon urethane coated hull bonded to 420 denier nylon urethane coated deck and doesn't leak any water PERIOD. The urethane is slick and fast and TOUGH. I landed on a concrete launch ramp with the lake waves pushing me faster than I could get out and no damage or scratches! I don't recommend playing in sharp rocks though. I have run over some upthrust tree stumps with no problem.

My bright yellow deck with the black hull always begets comments like "that is a foldable?, I would never have thought" It takes about 20 min to assemble and is easier than the hypalon version of the K-Light. The dimensional stability of the urethane coated fabric which allows precise fitting is responsible I believe. Save up and get one, you won't be sorry.


I have owned a Feathercraft…

Submitted by: paddler228846 on 8/20/2000
I have owned a Feathercraft K-1 since 1995. I really like the way it feels in the water and the workmanship and materials are excellent. I am usually paddling in the Atlantic off Massachusetts and I find the boat to be very stable. However, assembly and disassembly is a pain. Particularly on a warm summer day while my hardshell-owning friends sit around impatiently. I am now looking for a hardshell that has the same feel in the water as the K-1.

The second highest…

Submitted by: paddler228793 on 8/18/2000
The second highest performance foldable available, exceeded only by its cousin the Khatsalono, and then not by that much. Paddles and rolls like a hardshell. Plenty of room for gear, the best carrying bag supplied with any foldable on the market, and Feathercrafts are the only foldables with access hatches. Earlier (pre-1968) versions are annoying to assemble, taking 45 minutes or more. Newer versions are said to assemble much more easily.

I have owned and used all…

Submitted by: paddler228475 on 3/6/2000
I have owned and used all makes of folding Kayaks for the past 18 years and believe these Feathercraft kayaks are the finest. The quality of workmanship and materials is superb and the design and engineering is fully thought out. I am particularly impressed with the way which the entire package fits into one comfortable backpack that's mailable or accepted as regular baggage. At sea the kayak is responsive yet stable, dry and secure. It has ample capacity for a large paddler with room for gear to sustain an extended voyage.