Spirit 3.3

by  Dimension
Weight (lb)

Spirit 3.3 Description

The Spirit 3.3 is a kayak brought to you by Dimension. Read Spirit 3.3 reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

Spirit 3.3 Reviews

Read reviews for the Spirit 3.3 by Dimension as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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You can in fact buy nearly…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 12/27/2023

You can in fact buy nearly the exact same boat today as the Old Town "Twister"


This is the most…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 7/19/2022

This is the most maneuverable kayak I've ever had. It's lightweight, fast & solid. I am looking for another one.


This has been the most…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 3/17/2021
This has been the most versatile maneuverable fun kayak I have ever had. From rivers to surf it handled it all with ease.

My wife and I have had a…

Submitted by: paddler234436 on 2/20/2012
My wife and I have had a Spirit 11 for several years, taking it to Florida all the time. We feel very comfortable going off shore on the Gulf and have crossed several times over to Egmont Key from De Soto State Park. We have done hundreds of miles with these boats. Just absolutely the best.

I have a Dimension Spirit…

Submitted by: paddler234400 on 1/8/2012
I have a Dimension Spirit 3.1. The only reason I gave it a 9 and not a 10 is because I'm a hard grader.

Fantastic surfer. Cuts right through breakers heading out like they're butter. I cannot make this thing pearl. It is amazing coming in, too. Drop in and go. It's so stable with just the right amount of tracking you just need a few easy adjustments with the paddle left & right to stay perpendicular with the wave. As an added bonus, if the beach (bottom) has a nice smooth approach with no trench to stop the wave from rolling up the beach, you can ride it right onto the beach, flip it around, and ride it right back out without ever getting out. I can do this with just a few boats.

Another cool thing about the design...when tired, you can comfortably lie on it backwards (head towards the front...feet towards the back) and just drift around and soak up rays and catch a breather.

As good a surf boat as you will find. For class I - III rivers...just ok. A bit bulky and hard to turn because of it's massive tracking capabilities. But very stable in fast water. You might even get class IV w/o getting tossed out. A little tricky in eddys, though. The back end will come around quickly and it'll flip.

Flat water...a breeze. As long as you don't need to make speed. It's sluggish and has a heavy feel. But for slow to medium cruising - just fine. In short. I love this boat. With a Coast Guard "OK", I went through Hatteras Inlet between Hatteras and Ocracoke Islands in it this past summer and felt completely confident in it. If you ever get a chance to shoot this inlet by all means do it! I suggest dropping in the inlet from .5 mile out on the Hatteras/ocean side on the incoming tide and then you're on your own. Careful of the current so you don't end up 12 miles away on Portsmouth Island!

Dimension Spirit = Great Boat!


FYI - Jackson Kayak now…

Submitted by: paddler233729 on 8/2/2010
FYI - Jackson Kayak now builds their "Riviera" which is almost identical to the old Dimension Spirit 3.3 The Riviera however is much more solidly built with a thicker poly than the lightweight old Dimension version. This is a very popular and stable kayak for beginners or seniors who appreciate the built-in back support.
L - 11'4", W - 30", Wt - 46lb.
Michael Malone, Pelee Wings Kayaks & Canoes, Leamington ON

Sorry to inform you all that…

Submitted by: barrell on 2/8/2010
Sorry to inform you all that Old towne or more accurately JOHNSON OUTDOORS has decided to end making the entire Dimension line. I've sold many thousands of these kayaks over the years and will be sorry to see the Spirit, Typhoon and Cricket go.

I love this kayak! the mold…

Submitted by: paddler233146 on 6/1/2009
I love this kayak! the mold in seat is nice and my back fell great afterwards. I have had this for almost two years and it is still like new. The Spirit kayak is so stable that I can stand up in it if I have to, or if I want to. It is easy to get in and out of on land or in water. The kayak is easy to paddle and to turn. I have tried others and they are not as good

My buddy Ray says, "there's a…

Submitted by: paddler233796 on 3/22/2009
My buddy Ray says, "there's a kayak at this garage sale.. he wants $150" Absolutely the best $125 I have ever spent. Loved the Spirit so much, found one on Paddling.net for sale for $250 and gladly paid the shipping to get it. My background has been 40 years of canoes, but this well designed sit on top rewards me every time I use it.

The #1 grade poly is flawless, and is a feast for the eyes even while hanging on the den wall. I find the seating perfect for me, at 6 foot 200lbs. My friend Connie at 125lbs and mid fives isn't as comfortable. Have just purchased a Manitou 13 for her, we'll see how they compare.

I live on the Mississippi and have found it so stable, so predictable. Even playing around wing dams she'll stay straight, or set sidewise and cross stream. For lake paddling or creeks feeding the river she is super stable and turns on a dime. Oh, the sun deck, turn around backwards, lay back, and be careful not to fall asleep. Extra points. 38lbs. great handle...run a lock through it. paddle detent. car tops real easy and is so sleek it will increase your gas mileage. Becomes part of you. 10 out of 10. If you're lucky enough to find one, don't pass it up.


I have had a spirit kayak for…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 6/5/2006
I have had a spirit kayak for many years and absolutely love it. I also have a swing kayak that does not seem as stable. Many friends have tried both and all end up loving the spirit above any other they have tried. I am now in the process of trying to find another one to purchase. If anybody knows where I can purchase one please e-mail me and let me know. Thanks.

We purchased our Spirits this…

Submitted by: Betsy on 1/20/2004
We purchased our Spirits this past summer across the border in Canada . Our family has a fleet of kayaks for family gatherings on the St. Lawrence River, many of them are Spirits. We find them very comfortable, incredibly stable and exceptionally lightweight. We have had many people stop us and comment on them and so far, everyone that has tried one has gone and purchased one(seriously) . I am so addicted to mine that almost everyday throughout the summer and fall, I loaded up and headed out. Oh yes, they are also very affordable. The downside-they are no longer sold in the states, even after pleading with the company! There also is some water taken on in heavy waves, but is easily drained. I have not found any other company that carries a design similar to the Spirit. We'll just keep heading over the border, I guess.

Betsy, you can get a very…

Submitted by: deanjunt on 1/20/2004
Betsy, you can get a very Spirit-like boat from OT Sport. Just go to the Old Town website and click on their OT Sport logo, then go to the boats and check out the H2Yo. It's slightly wider than the Spirit, but practically identical. It's too bad that they didn't put in some scupper holes, because that would make the boat perilously close to a "10." As it is, the boat handles sluggishly once you take a bunch of waves in your lap and the water just sits with you. Otherwise, the Spirit (or H2Yo) are great little putt-putt boats -- extremely comfortable seating, nice tracking, highly maneuverable -- just very fun to piddle with. They're mighty slow for any long straight distance stuff though.

My wife and I rented the…

Submitted by: paddler230368 on 9/23/2003
My wife and I rented the spirit and a frenzy from BelHaven rentals of Green Banks NJ this past weekend and switched off so that we could try each one. Hands Down the spirit was our favorite. It tracked well and was more stable then we expected. The only reason I have not given it a 10 was because it held the water in the cockpit and the back support was to straight. All in all it was great fun and we are probably goint to buy one of these yaks used from the dealer because they are not sold in the US at this present time and we are probably going to purchase a spirit duo so that we can take our 6 and 4 year old daughters out for some fun. Like one of the other reviewers I will repeat that Dimension responded to my email quickly. Thanks Dimension.

I've been surfing with my…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 6/2/2003
I've been surfing with my Typhoon since last September. I recently purchased the Spirit and tried it today in some good 4'-7' surf. The Spirit takes off a little faster than the Typhoon and it steers a little better than the Typhoon. Going out through the surf is lots of fun with both. The Spirit is a few pounds lighter than the Typhoon at 35 lbs -vs.- 39 lbs. It is very stable though a following sea (large swells) tended to want to veer me off track. I was surprised by the amount of water that entered the hull. I'll have to work on sealing the small round screw-on hatch. The seat is slightly deeper and the angle of the back is less reclined than the Typhoon. The Typhoon is more comfortable. The foot wells are a single fixed size rather than the multiple settings for the Typhoon. Like the Typhoon, the water enters the cockpit and stays with you for the duration since there are no scupper drains. All in all, I love the Spirit in the surf! I'll keep them both!

I have owned 8 different…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 9/9/2002
I have owned 8 different types of kayaks, and am new to the Dimension Co. The Dimension "Spirit" is so comfortable! I want more! They are designed so well, that they are easy on your back, easy to get in and out of,(for all ages) and they fit your heels beautifully. I rent kayaks, and once people paddle a Dimension, those are the boats they always come back to, for fun and comfort in their back. I have e-mailed other kayak companys, for information...and have waited weeks for a reply. Sometimes not getting a reply at all! Dimension not only answered my e-mail quickly, they were very helpful. When I phoned Canada to speak to someone in person, they were polite, knowledgeable, and gave me straight answers, unlike the U.S. companys I have dealt with.

My wife and I take our spirit…

Submitted by: paddler229900 on 8/30/2002
My wife and I take our spirit dimension 3.3 kayaks out in the ocean and paddle with the dolphins. Easy to get out through the breakers, great fun!!

Easy to use recreational…

Submitted by: paddler229796 on 7/15/2002
Easy to use recreational kayak. Great in waves and easy to turn. It is a lot of fun.

Sit-on-top. My favorite, my…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 3/27/2002
Sit-on-top. My favorite, my daughter's favorite. Extremely stable, comfortable, pretty. Lightweight, easy to carry with one hand even for ladies. My daughter likes to take her two little doggies with her.
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