
by  Dagger

Crossover Description

The Crossover is a kayak brought to you by Dagger. Read Crossover reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

Crossover Reviews

Read reviews for the Crossover by Dagger as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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I purchased my Crossover…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 12/27/2023

I purchased my Crossover around 2008 from a dealer in Middle GA. I have used it primarily on rivers in GA and TN. I have also taken it to the Keys in FL and to the gulf. I have done some long paddles in bays in FL that were quite enjoyable with the skeg of course. My son liked to ride the waves in FL also. I now use it on a small river in the mountains of TN where I now live. It is really great on a small river. I lost the skeg coming back from FL one time so I have built a better one from a piece of 2X10. Both skegs are a pain when launching from the bank and when navigating shallow rocky rapids. I take it off for rapids but then I have to stop to put it back on when in deeper water. I am redesigning the skeg and plan to put a hinge near the top and a spring or bungy cord to pull it back down. At that point I think it will be a great skeg. I have now started fishing from it but it lacks rod holders so it is not ideal for that. I really like the Crossover and it is my favorite Kayak. I also have an old Dagger Crossfire. I agree that the seat back padding is poor and I usually end up sitting on it when getting in the kayak and then have to get it out from under me.


I picked this boat up in the…

Submitted by: jweier111 on 8/2/2020
I picked this boat up in the used market with a specific use in mind. Running the Class I-III creeks around where I live in southern Wisconsin. I usually paddle an old Sealution XL for flat water touring. Which someone on here aptly referred to as “an aircraft carrier”. The Crossover by comparison is less a corvette and more an F150 with a snow plow. It is literally a blunt instrument to pound through poorly kept water ways. The blunt “v” shaped nose creates a lot of drag. Which honestly, transitioning from flat water paddling to faster current I don’t find to be an all together bad thing. Tracking on flat water isn’t terrible. I would say it’s a few steps up from your average rec kayak. It turns quickly, but not as uncontrollably fast as something like the Dagger Crossfire (my previous short boat). It does edge reasonably well and has better than average primary stability. There is no rear bulkhead in the aft compartment. Which I found odd as our other Dagger boats have some of the better bulkheads for rotomolded kayaks. There is plenty of legroom for bigger paddlers. Overall I really like this kayak. I wouldn’t want it as my only option for flat water. But for creeks that have long stretches of flats between moderate whitewater segments it seems ideal.

The Dagger Crossover is as…

Submitted by: Shockahawn on 12/16/2019

The Dagger Crossover is as described and handles what it was built for- variety... For flat water, it does come with a skeg- which I would recommend upgrading. The stock skeg seems to create more drag than necessary and is not easily adjusted. Mine has yet to strip out like others have mentioned being a problem, but I can easily see how this would be a problem. For rivers, it is a moderately stable craft that turns fairly easily considering it's size. The Dagger Crossover has a rear hatch with a decent amount of storage space and deck rigging to attach items on the outside of the boat making it suitable for overnight trips. Overall, this boat has been a pleasure to own and paddle. For someone looking for a boat that can do a variety of things, but doesn't necessarily excel at any particular activity- this boat may be a great choice.


This boat is described as…

Submitted by: dghaessig on 7/25/2013
This boat is described as having the ability to paddle on all kinds of environments, which actually means it does handle any paddling environment very well. It turn very easily and has a skeg in the back which helps it track fair, but you have to get out of the kayak to unscrew the skeg to turn it around to use it. The skeg also deploys by unscrewing it. the bolt is covered with a plastic knob that has stripped out after two years making the skeg worthless. The boat is good is small streams because of its turning ability and has a foam pillar which should prevent it collapsing on your legs in a pin. I find that the pillar does not stay in place. It only has a back bulkhead which limits use on open water and its carrying capacity.

A few months ago, I bought a…

Submitted by: Sandmarks on 7/24/2013
A few months ago, I bought a used Crossover. A couple friends had bought Greenboats and I was looking for something smaller, so I could play a bit more with them. I was doing my rock gardening in a Zephyr, but since I got the Crossover, it has been my main boat.

At 12.5 feet, it's short enough that it's very maneuverable, even though it doesn't have a whole lot of rocker. I like that it has good speed for when my friends are in their long boats. Although it does turn quickly, I haven't had any problems tracking in small winds, even though I never use the provided skeg.

I weigh 240lb, but the boat doesn't seem to mind, although it does have a tendency to bury its bow on a wave. The very plumb bow is a drag though, as it sends water shooting up on a wave and has a tendency to catch in the rocks. I've surfed the boat in 4' surf and found it rather maneuverable in the waves.

I don't know what Dagger really planned this boat to be used for and the plum bow make it a bit tough to use in the RGs where I usually use it, but I'm still having fun with it. For someone my size, it's a better fit than the Greenboat, but without the WW cred!


I use my kayaks to fish out…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 4/2/2007
I use my kayaks to fish out of, and the Dagger Crossover seemed like a good idea, a hybrid river type boat that could double as a tourer. Its highly maneuverable, and tough. Plenty of sealed storage in the back if you have the expedition model. Its a good looking boat and well made. All these good points were not enough to make me want to keep it. If you like to fish, you want to hold as straight a line as possible when you put the paddle down to take a cast. Not possible with this boat - the Crossover will do a 180 degree turn and leave you backwards, even with the skeg employed lots of veering over to either side, no predictability on which way it will go. I also have a Prijon Yukon - I've learned to paddle it without the rudder, and the Crossover was even worse than the Yukon which by now is famous for its spinning. If I were constantly paddling in mild whitewater and not fishing, it might be a good choice. But that is not my thing, so I took a loss on it to buy something better for my needs.

I bought this boat two years…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 10/17/2005
I bought this boat two years ago so I could paddle into the winter with friends who have touring kayaks. I also wanted a boat that could handle moderate whitewater. So far I'm happy with it.

There are some things about it that are a compromise, but isn't that the idea? I don't have a problem with the backband because I primarily paddle marathon racing canoes, so back support of any kind seems like a luxury.

I learned how to roll in this boat, so I can't say if it's easy to roll or not because I haven't tried rolling anything else. I use a 204 cm Foxworx whitewater paddle and can keep up with 16-18 foot touring boats just fine when just cruising along.

I don't use the skeg, even on flatwater because it feels as though it creates too much drag. Although, when I loan it to someone who isn't used to a boat that turns this easily I have them use the skeg. As far as whitewater goes, I've paddled the Sacandaga and Schroon in NYS and it seems to go downriver nicely.

It will even surf pretty well if you anticipate a little when getting into the holes. The whitewater paddlers laugh at it and call it a barge, but I can do more with this one boat than I could with two specialized kayaks.

The plastic construction is tough, which leads to my only criticism and that is the weight. It weighs around 50 pounds, but as long as you don't have to carry it too far it's not that bad. Durablity is more important than light weight with a boat like this. The extra weight isn't really noticed on the water. Set up with a Harmony LC1 skirt and a pair of gloves, I can paddle until the rivers freeze in central NY and still be comfortable, which was what I had in mind when I bought the boat.

I give it a 10 because I think Dagger did a great job when they designed the Crossover.


Same Boat, New Name!! This…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 1/12/2005
Same Boat, New Name!! This boat is now made by Perception and it is called the Enduro.

I completely agree with…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 2/26/2004
I completely agree with everyone else that the factory backband is trash. Plus not being unable to reach the rudder from the cockbit is a draw back, but when you get right down to it this boat is an *almost* perfect blending of w/w and touring. Being 5'1" and new to the sport this was the all around kayak I was looking for. I'd recommend it to anyone who is starting out and not quite sure what way they want to go.

Overall, Dagger has built a…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 9/22/2003
Overall, Dagger has built a heck of a kayak here. I needed something to get me down 84 miles of western river, incluiding 54 sets of rapids from class 1 to class 3, in a single trip. I shopped around quite a bit, looking at alot of different models, but most were either whitewater boats with just enough storage for your lunch, or touring boats that didnt seem to handle nimbly enough (or tough enough) for class 3 whitewater. The 'crossover' seemed the only real choice.

6days, 5 nights and 84 miles later, I really appreciate daggers efforts to give some of us the best of both worlds. I do agree with some of the earlier reviews, the factory backband sucks. I replaced it with an Immersion Research band, and added some custom fit padding, and off we went.

The kayak tracks fairly true without the skeg, and even better with it. Skeg up, it handles mild to medium white water well, is very responsive turning and is overall a joy to paddle. I really think class 4 is do-able in this boat, if your just looking to get thru it, not play in it. There was enough room for all my gear, food, etc, and I now know that I could stock it up to take trips into the 7-8 day range. The only other modifications were re-rigging the deck bungees a little, and mounting a 'Watershed' deck bag to it. The kayak took quite a beating on the rocks, as the river was omly running about 1000 c.f.s. yet the scars are only cosmetic, nothing deep. Cupping didnt seem to be an issue, either.

Is it a pefect touring boat? No Is it a perfect w/w boat? No But if your looking for something that does give you the ability to do both, Would I recommend this boat? Absolutely!!! The only reason it gets a 9 rating instead of 10, is because the factory back band is junk, and the skeg cannot be dropped or raised from the cockpit. You have to get out and do it yourself, or have somone else do it for you. The Dagger company itself gives the boat a low rating for extended tripping, but unless your measuring your trip in weeks instead of days, this kayak is great. My hats off to Dagger for giving a small market-share an almost perfect boat.


I've used this boat for a few…

Submitted by: paddler230079 on 3/28/2003
I've used this boat for a few months now and I am mostly pleased with it. I did add a homemade back band to the existing one to raise it up some. The bulkhead does tend to leak a bit. I put everything in drybags anyway. We do river tours, and it's nice to have all that extra storage area. (unlike the play yaks)

I took it on a run a few weeks ago from Beasley Flats to Childs. It's 18 miles of class II-III-IV and V whitewater at 3000 c.f.s. It did real well in six and seven foot waves. I was very impressed with the handling features of this craft. I got caught in a hole below Punk Rock rapid, and had to wet exit. After my 3/4 mile swim, I found the boat pinned cock pit out against some trees in the current. True to advertising, after 40 minutes I was able to free the boat, and the dry storage did not implode. It had a football sized dent in it, but when I turned it over and laid it in the sun, it popped right back to regular shape.

I did the rest of the trip without incident. I recommend a neoprene whitewater skirt for this boat. And it does roll nicely. I use this boat up on the San Juan almost daily. Great boat that handles just about anything.


I've had a Crossover…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 9/2/2002
I've had a Crossover Expedition for a little over a year now and am very pleased with its performance on flatwater and mild whitewater. The watertight hatch and bulkhead make it great for kayak camping. The rounded hull on the Crossover makes it much more responsive than the keel or tracking channel designs on most recreational kayaks.

Prior to buying the Crossover, I considered a Dagger Blackwater but after paddling both, would definitely recommend the Crossover. The extra money buys more versatility, a thicker hull made from better plastic, and thigh braces that greatly improve paddling efficiency, comfort, and "rollability". Although many retailers suggest a 220-230 cm touring paddle with this boat, I much prefer a shorter (200 cm) whitewater style paddle and a higher angle paddling style.


Dagger designed a great boat…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 8/29/2002
Dagger designed a great boat with the exception of the backband and foot pegs. Both have been replaced with higher quality items. Minimal added cost for an awesome boat. I have paddled 3 foot waves, wide open water, on Lake Huron in 38 degree water and felt safe in the boat. Many, many times I've paddled inland lakes in Southeastern Michigan with sea kayaks friends and all are amazed that I stay out in front with my hull speed. My boat turns faster, handles better, takes abuse of rocks, and has room for plently of gear easily challenging many sea kayak designs. Dagger should really take heed and change the backband.

Excellent boat although I…

Submitted by: paddler229870 on 8/12/2002
Excellent boat although I would have to agree with the others on the backband and how uncomfortable it is on extended trips. The boat tracks really well in the water and the skeg serves no purpose for me although it makes a tremendous difference when my girlfriend paddles the boat. The boat practically rolls itself and again I agree with the leaky bulkhead. My main complaint is the drain plug is in the back of the boat rather than the front where all of the water would be so that is kind of a pain. The boat itself is excellent and I would recommend it for anybody looking for a hybrid boat. I love my girlfriend!

We have paddled our…

Submitted by: paddler229868 on 8/8/2002
We have paddled our Crossovers for two years now we paddle white water to class three, and while Crossovers are not very playful show me a play boat you can camp out of for three or four days. When summer comes and the white water is but a trickle through the shoals, its time to fish the easy rivers and lakes the Crossovers do well here too. Deck rigging seems made to hold two ultra light rods and a small tackle box and they are stable enough to cast from. All in all I think it's a great compromise, but I do agree the back band does leave something to be desired and yes the bulkheads do leak some. I have tried to seal ours several times to no avail. But these are small things we really enjoy our boats and recommend them without hesitation.

I bought this boat in…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 7/22/2002
I bought this boat in November 2001, planning to use it on lakes, mild surf, and easy rivers. It is terrific for these uses and more. It is easy to roll - it practically comes up by itself. I have never had a problem getting this boat to go straight, and was out with a friend who had a smaller rented boat that she was paddling in circles. She was about to give up in frustration when we switched boats. Instantly, she was cruising upstream against a 5 mph current without any problems, saying "I love this boat".

At first I didn't have any issues with the backband, but as I have done longer, higher mileage days, and become a more skilled and agressive paddler, I agree that the band is not very comfortable - I keep it loose enough I don't touch it. I haven't found the skeg to be very useful, and in high winds the boat blows around some. I have had problems with water getting in the hatch (leaky bulkhead?), and I sunk the boat early on with a wet exit. Stern flotation is a must! I almost lost a foot peg in that same incident, they come off the track, so I put screws in the front of the track to keep the pegs from slipping off. This has worked well and I can still adjust the pegs using my feet.

I have done an overnight campout, with plenty of room for gear, and the boat still handled really well; some lake paddling, and lots of paddling in the easy sections of the Colorado river, both upstream and down. I am 5'8" and 140lbs. I am very happy with the Crossover, and would recommend it highly.


My first kayak purchase, I am…

Submitted by: paddler229821 on 7/19/2002
My first kayak purchase, I am generally pleased with this boat. I bought it for its utility and stability - figuring both would be appreciated as a beginner. I've taken it down the last 7 miles of the Wenatchee River (class 2) and felt quite comfortable. It's also seen plenty of lake shore duty, for which it's been perfect. You won't win any speed races on flatwater with this boat, and the bowline rises high out of the water making it a bit difficult to keep straight when the wind picks up (this feature also keeps you dry in swells!). But it turns on a dime, is very stable, and the foam bracing gives the boat a very sturdy feel (much more than a rec kayak). Use a drybag when storing gear in the stern hatch due to some small leaks (I think from the bulkhead, not the hatch) and learn to roll the boat - I've practiced self-rescues on this boat, and while easy to get back into the boat climbing up the back, it takes forever to empty with a bilge pump even with a lot of flotation up front. I had trouble keeping it straight at first, but after a kayaking course learned it was me and not the boat - take a course and enjoy it sooo much more!

The Crossover is my first…

Submitted by: paddler229806 on 7/16/2002
The Crossover is my first kayak, and it has been a great kayak to learn in. It's easy to roll, and it turns on a dime (compared to touring or recreational kayaks).

The tracking is improved with the skeg, however you should only need it in the wind.

The skeg really helps the learning curve. I depended on it at first, but needed it less as my technique improved.

There is ample storage for a 2-3 day trip (if you have light-weight/low-volume camping gear). I have only been on class 1 rivers, but I would feel comfortable running class 2 with this boat. Personally, I don't think my skill level is advanced enough to take a 12'6" boat down class 3 (shorter whitewater boat will be my next purchase).

I definitely recommend this boat, if you want a short touring boat that can handle some whitewater. For the record, I'm 5'9", weigh 180 lbs, and have size 10 feet. The boat fits great.


I purchased my Dagger…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 6/5/2002
I purchased my Dagger Crossover last spring, I didn’t get to use it much last year just a couple of days on some small lakes. I took it this weekend down the Hudson River in Northern NY. I have to say it was perfect. There was lots of chop & high winds, it handled great, and the swells were around 3 ½ feet, no problem. Also there were 1 hr stretches of flat water. It handled the whole day perfectly, it did exactly what is was suppose to, handled the chop & light whitewater with easy & was fun to paddle on the flats...I'm very pleased.

Dagger Crossover - update to…

Submitted by: dickvipp on 6/3/2002
Dagger Crossover - update to previous comments. The oilcanning that I had described in my original review progressively became worse. Upon contacting Dagger, I was told to try to correct the problem with boiling water, and if that did not work, try wedging some foam under the seat. Actually, that approach might work, and I have done the recommended modification. But, it appears that once you buy a Dagger, you own it - including any manufacturing or design problems. This is an interesting concept to advance to someone who bought 2 Dagger products last year. So, this feels sort of like a We-no-nah kind of year - certainly not Dagger.

I've only paddled on…

Submitted by: paddler229712 on 5/31/2002
I've only paddled on flatwater twice but so far this boat has been great. I'm 5'8" and 175 pounds. I had a Alto before this but the cockpit was always way too snug. The crossover has plenty of room but also has thigh braces and a whitewater feel. Lookign forward to trying to roll it. ANd it tracks great with the skeg down. Pretty fast too. Almost as good as the Alto. Looking forward to trying some rivers and coastal stuff. As far as fit, tracking, and weight it's prefect. Seems like a great all around boat.

The Crossover is almost a…

Submitted by: dickvipp on 3/20/2002
The Crossover is almost a great idea. It can be a fun boat and it does a lot of things well, but it comes up a bit short in a couple of areas that could be readily corrected in manufacture.

First of all the, skeg can make a huge difference in tracking. Granted, good paddle and lean techniques can make it unnecessary. But, if the form is off a bit, the skeg really makes flat water paddling easier. River tripping could be improved if the skeg could be raised and dropped from the cockpit. That way, it could be dropped in flat water water and raised in rapids, where it might interefere with maneuverability or be yanked off while dragging across a rock.

I second the backband comments already stated by other reviewers. In initially discussing the potential purchase of the kayak with a dealer, he wanted to include a new backband in the purchase - at full price. If no one likes the backband, then perhaps Dagger should just leave it off completely so buyers do not have to buy two of them.

The most perplexing thing I have experienced is that my Crossover is developing cupping in the bottom of the hull, right under the cockpit. There was some cupping evident when the boat was new, but it has gotten progressively worse. The dealer explanation of the problem - I had left it in the sun. The dealer advice on how to fix it - leave it in the sun and the cupping may so away!!?? First of all, the boat has never been left in the sun (I store it in a garage), and secondly, how can the same action be both a cause and a cure? The FAQ link on the Dagger web site has a statement that pretty well goes along with the dealer line. I'm not particularly a happy camper on this one.

The Crossover is not the only Dagger product I have bought. My experiences with their products is "almost, but not quite".


Great kayak! I bought it as…

Submitted by: paddler229604 on 3/4/2002
Great kayak! I bought it as my first and have loved every minute of it. It is very versitile, though a little heavy. It's a first class beginner to intermediate boat.

This is my second kayak, my…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 11/13/2001
This is my second kayak, my first being the dagger blackwater. This is a great boat for all skill levels and provides ample space for camping and boating needs. My first trip with this boat was to Seattle, WA to a dammed glacier lake near Mt. Rainer followed by a second trip down a Class II in the same vicinity. The Crossover handled beautifully in the choppy wind-raked lake even with all my supplies and camping gear in both scenarios. The detachable skeg proves somewhat useful at times, but can be somewhat bothersome (this is why I enjoy the drop-down on the blackwater). However, the bulkhead may precipitate little at times.

When I first met my wife she…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 11/1/2001
When I first met my wife she was learning to paddle whitewater. After a few swims, she was no at all interested in anything but flatwater!! I got her a touring kayak with the idea that she could paddle the local lakes and go out with me when I wasn't on the river. She was not able to car top a full sized touring kayak, even though she is 5'10" tall. So, we looked around at smaller touring kayaks and ultimately purchased a Dagger Crossover.

The Crossover is not light compared to smaller whitewater boats, but it weighs less than fifty pounds and it has some very nice features. First, it is not too long for boating something like the Ocoee, but it has enough length and keel to be a fun ocean or lake boat. It has a great little skeg that, though it looks cheesy, is very functional. The cockpit fits a wide range of paddlers, it has footpegs and moderate thighbraces, and best of all it has a dual-covered sealed bulkhead compartment!

The boat turns as fast one of the older rodeo boats like the Pirouette or Dancer, rolls easily, and has good primary and secondary stability. I would take it down the Gauley if I were going to paddle the Upper, Middle, and Lower sections.

If you are looking for one boat or you can't decide between whitewater and touring, this is a great choice. My wife loves the boat and even the kids (ages 5 & 8) have a great time paddling it. I even like to dink around in the Crossover, of course it's not much for throwing flatwater ends!


This is my second boat and I…

Submitted by: YakNuttz on 10/29/2001
This is my second boat and I absolutely love it! Its a great well rounded boat. It's not a all-out white water boat by far but does handle its own. I use it primarily to race in downriver whitewater races class 1 - 3. It is great on slow rivers and as a lake boat with nice storage capacity. The only drawback is the 53 lbs weight when portaging in a race.

Just purchased the crossover…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 8/29/2001
Just purchased the crossover expedition this year....end of May. I absolutely love it......It serves many functions well, as it's advertising promised--I have paddled in the ocean, on slow rivers, on flat waters (including rough water when the wind picks up), and for extended overnight trips (at least several days at a time), and this kayak has performed beautifully. Like others, I have changed the back band, as I found it very uncomfortable for longer paddles. With my new backband, and additional deck lines (including more straps over the back hatch to maximize storage possibilities for overnight kayak camping trips)this kayak has proven to be perfect for someone interested in a multitude of paddling experiences, including overnight trips. LOVE IT!!! P.S.....the skeg really serves no true purpose....and may even hinder your paddle, so don't use it unless you absolutely feel you need it!

I've paddled touring boats…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 7/25/2001
I've paddled touring boats for about six years (with a recent layoff of a couple) and had always wanted a shorter boat. I went for the Crossover because of Dagger's reputation and the Crossover's hybrid label. After paddling a touring boat, I absolutely love the Crossover. It's stable, yet quick. It's responsive, it's just sheer joy to paddle! I look forward to trying it on rivers with a little action. On lakes, it's been great especially in choppy water. I am changing to a better backband and adding a thin layer of foam to counter the slippery seat, but all in all, it's just what I was seeking.

This is my first kayak. We…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/30/2001
This is my first kayak. We live in Indiana so I wanted a boad that I could run on small whitewater and open water. I also wanted to be able to camp out of it. We have been out about 8 times this year and the boat is great. You do need to replace the back band though. It comes with a cheesy little thing that cut into my back. I put on an IR Ratchet Backband and it is great. By the way I am 6'6" tall and I had to move the foot braces down a little, but there is pleanty of room.