I purchased this boat used, but in near mint condition (it is about 25 years old). It is kevlar, set up tandem with a kneeling thwart. I love boats based on the "Prospector" design and this boat fits the bill. The specs for this boat can be found on Hemlock Canoe's Web site
I am a large person, and no longer can kneel on my knees, so purchased this boat for my solo sitting boat. It is 32" wide, which gives me the narrowness I needed to paddle solo (vs the usual 36" for 16' boats). I replaced center yoke with a solo seat from Ed's Canoe, and the boat is exactly what I wanted for a solo river boat, which fits my size/weight, and allows me to relax (i.e. it isn't that tippy).
The construction of this boat is excellent. Absolutely no oil canning. I've been paddling upward of 40 years, and adding this boat to my fleet was a very wise decision for me. For a tandem boat, it was a bit tippy, but I blame that on my bow paddler! I will never use it as a tandem boat, so am pleased!