A self-supported trip created by
Trip Overview
Mattawoman Creek is a beautiful creek off the Potomac River. Mattingly was formerly known as Slavens Ramp. It is now run by the Town of Indian Head and is adjacent to Mattingly Park on the upper end of Mattawoman Creek. The boat launch is best suited for small bass boats or similar watercraft.
Lots of herons, ibis', turtles, and beautiful scenery. Some parts of the creek are wide, others narrower. A lot of friendly people fishing, but you don't interfere with one another.
There is a wonderful kayak, canoe, bike, paddle boat, fishing rental called Up The Creek Rentals.
Phone: 301-743-3733
website: www.upthecreekrntls.com.
Their rental prices are the best-priced anywhere I've seen, and the owners are extremely nice and helpful.
There is also Mattingly Park. Not sure if there are restrooms.
There were no launch fees for kayaks. Don't know about other boats and may need a license or permit for fishing.
Take 495 Capital Beltway to
Route 210 (Indian Head Hwy South)
About 10 minutes down Rt. 210, just before the Navy Base,
turn Left on Mattingly Avenue.
Drive to the end of the road and you can't miss it.
Trip Details
Kayaking, Canoeing
Skill Level:
Water Type:
River/Creek (Up to Class II)