
Name: paddler528431

Most Recent Reviews

This bag is so good and well made I just bought my second one for my second GearLab paddle. The Kalleq.

This fits very nicely. I’m not quite sure why the small end is designed the way it is and connects back to the bag with a quick release. Perhaps this will become obvious with use. It’s a bit pricey for what it is, but seems to be made well.

Beautiful paddle right out of the box and before it’s been in the water. I debated shouldered vs non-shouldered and went with the latter. It was a wise choice. The paddle falls perfectly within my shoulder width.

This thing is as good as it gets. To have a 16’ yak that fits in the back of my car is priceless. Some May complain about the hefty price, but when you consider not having to have roof racks on your car, storage racks in your garage or simply the inability to own a yak longer than 12’ it all makes sense. This is a sea worthy craft. There is a bit of a learning curve with first assembly. That quickly becomes instinctual as you become familiar with the genius of the design.

Great lightweight paddle. It splits into four pieces for easy storage and offers complete rotation for offset paddle adaptation.