How to Launch a Canoe Solo

Hi. I'm Denny Lange, a professional guide, here today to talk to you about how to launch a canoe when solo paddling.


First, you want to make sure your canoe is down and in the water as much as possible. I'm going to slide the canoe out, with the paddle in my hand and a hand on the canoe.

Next, I'm going to reach across to the outside gunnel - I want to focus on keeping my weight low and over the center of the boat. Once I have the canoe stable, step into the middle of the canoe, keeping my weight very low, until I feel stable.

Then, taking my other foot and placing it in the center of the canoe, and get into the kneeling position.

At this point, what's left of the canoe on the shore, I can push off and be on my way.


Now, we'll show how to land a canoe. One of the best ways to do this is approach the shore sideways, and again, keeping your weight low, slowly step out of the canoe.

Don't let go of your canoe, or it might blow away. 

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