Michael Gray

Do you need a tetanus shot? We use these as preventive measures to keep more serious problems from…

Compact Very High Frequency (VHF) radios can be an extremely useful piece of signaling equipment and a…

Proper paddling skills are extremely important, but they won't help you that much if you are not…

MTI Slipstream PFD Personal Flotation Devices only work if you wear them. In challenging weather and…

The paddle float can be a very handy device if you use it often enough to become accustomed to its…

Let's assume you've practiced your wet exits until you are comfortable with them. Now it's time to get…

Bracing, it keeps your head in a gaseous oxygen environment. The low-brace is your primary defense…

If you followed our piece on the low brace, you now know that it is your first line of defense…

Hey, sometimes you just don't want to go straight! Sweeps are used for turning and as a component stroke…

It propels us in a straight line. Although it may be the stroke we do 95% of the time to get around, it…

If you've ever been to a sea kayaking symposium, you've probably run into one of those folks armed with…

Most people spend a lot of time, energy and money choosing a kayak. They don't often focus as much…

For purposes of this writing I'm going to define these as closed-deck models over 14 feet in length with…

The last segment seemed to be widely read and brought out some great feedback from readers as well as…

There are certain two word combinations in the English language that most of us among the living would…