Phoenix 130

Phoenix 130 Description

The Phoenix 130 is a kayak brought to you by Hurricane Kayaks. Read Phoenix 130 reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

Hurricane Kayaks
Phoenix 130 Reviews

Read reviews for the Phoenix 130 by Hurricane Kayaks as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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This kayak sat for 12 years…

Submitted by: fishnmusicn on 8/4/2020
This kayak sat for 12 years at a boat dealership never used. I got the fishing package with flushmount rodholders and a Scotty rodholder up front. This is a very efficient kayak that takes little effort to paddle and is beautiful to look at. The rudder really does a great job keeping you straight in the wind. Although it is fairly stable it is just a little bit tender if you were to make a wrong move so I bought a low profile PFD for some extra security. My Viking Profish 400 is a stable battleship in comparison and the Phoenix is sleeker with a low profile. Very enjoyable to paddle and fish from and one of the nicest kayaks I've owned. Thumbs up.

Great kayak

Submitted by: paddler349645 on 4/5/2017

I bought my Hurricane Phoenix 130 used(Demo)several years ago, it is awesome on the water. I have been kayaking for 9 years with this boat and I would highly recommend it. It's great on rivers, and even the Gulf of Mexico with 1 foot seas. I love it. I would buy another Hurricane kayak for sure.


Phoenix 130 is a good, light…

Submitted by: paddler234744 on 8/30/2012
Phoenix 130 is a good, light and well built kayak. I have a rudder w/ foot controls that I find difficult to use. The tracking is tough with a rudder on all kayaks and will only get better with lots of practice. Overall a sound investment.

I bought this boat used,…

Submitted by: paddler234421 on 1/27/2012
I bought this boat used, having owned a Phoenix 140 and liked it. This boat is stable (especially secondary stability), is agile yet tracks well enough, is fast for its size. Also much lighter than a polyethelene equivalent. All quite good. BUT once I bought it I found the cockpit wouldn't drain (this boat, like all recent Phoenix SOT's, uses a single scupper in the bottom connected inside the hull to all cockpit drains). After some head scratching I finally found that the rudder cable had been routed UNDER the hose, creating a loop in the hose that was above water level. Don't know if the rudder was factory installed or dealer, but it was a royal screwup, and should not have happened. I had to cut the drain hose end connections and reroute it UNDER the rudder cable to get the boat to drain properly. All is okay now. I like the boat a lot, but that kind of quality lapse really irks me. Even if the rudder was dealer installed, the excess drain hose looping around under the cockpit floor made the error easy to occur.

Boat does not track straight…

Submitted by: paddler234379 on 12/13/2011
Boat does not track straight and does not handle well in wind. Manufacturer returned the "fixed" leaking boat damaged to my dealer. Hull had large black abrasions and scrapes around the scupper hole. There was a large chip in the hull and the deck was also scraped. My good dealer returned the boat and the new replacement came back with a cracked hull near the drain plug. I will update when the 3rd boat comes in...

Hurricane has worked closely and professionally with this customer's dealer to address any and all issues with the Phoenix 130. We have done everything possible to make this customer happy and meet their expectations. The dealer is very pleased with the support, prompt attention and assistance that Hurricane has provided in servicing this customer. Unfortunately, things have happened in the effort to provide good service.
We are proud of the quality products produced at Hurricane, and we are committed to providing a high and professional level of customer service to our dealers and customers.


Overall it is a very nice…

Submitted by: paddler233694 on 7/12/2010
Overall it is a very nice hull, light, fast, and stable. The downside is the placement of the foot braces. Short... very short. I built some extensions that fit to the nut inserts in the cockpit and was off and paddling.

Have not owned this kayak…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/14/2010
Have not owned this kayak very long. But can say the following: Has good stability, tracks well, has good glide and is easy to paddle. Speed is satisfactory for a SOT of this size. This is my third Hurricane ...they make a good product.