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11 Ways That Paddling Can Bring Couples Closer Together

11 Ways That Paddling Can Bring Couples Closer Together

Credit: Kuznetcov_Konstanti

Paddling is always better and safer with a companion. Your paddling buddy can be a friend, a fellow water sports enthusiast, or even your significant other. Some people call tandem boats “divorce boats,” as sharing a boat with your partner can cause more frustration than satisfaction. While there is some truth to this, there are also many ways that paddling together can be quite beneficial to your relationship.

Paddling is a great way for couples to find a cohesive rhythm and create lasting memories. Tandem paddling helps couples work through frustrations and problem-solve as a team, which are skills that are sure to come in handy. Spending time in the stillness of nature helps give couples a new perspective and often inspires thoughtful conversations. Staying active together is also a plus.

If you and your partner are interested in paddling together but have heard it can cause unnecessary arguments, then make sure you keep reading. Sure, being alone on the water with your significant other can cause some drama and arguments, but it can also bring you two closer together. Below is a list of compelling reasons why paddling as a couple can potentially make you a stronger couple.

11 Reasons Paddling As A Couple Can Bring You Closer

1. Paddling Helps Couples Find A Rhythm

Whether you are tandem or in two solo paddling vessels, you and your paddling buddy need to find a rhythm. In a shared vessel you need to sync your strokes, and in two separate vessels you must coordinate your speed and direction so you stay close.

This means when you paddle as a couple you must find a rhythm. Sometimes this rhythm is unspoken, but in other instances it requires communication and compromise. It’s all about understanding how your partner is feeling, as well as respecting comfort levels to find a cohesive rhythm. This rhythm you find on the water can potentially translate to other life scenarios.

2. Paddling Together Builds Epic Lasting Memories

If you paddle as a couple you are almost guaranteed to never end up as a boring and stale couple with nothing to talk about. This is because paddling creates some epic memories and stories. These are stories you can recall when times get rough, or when you feel stuck in the mundane.

Paddling routes are never short of adventure. So when you and your partner choose to paddle instead of going to lunch at a restaurant you are likely to build a more exciting dynamic that is anything but boring.

3. It’s A Fun Way To Problem Solve Together

When you’re floating on vast open water and something goes wrong (and it will, eventually), problem-solving skills become critical. As you navigate waterways and solve problems in your canoe, kayak, or SUP board as a couple, you begin to learn how to work together.

In addition to learning how to solve problems as a couple, you are also able to learn how to function as a pair in high-stress and difficult situations. This high stress is why you hear about couples fighting in tandem kayaks, but it can also spawn major growth.

4. Nature Helps Give Perspective

When you venture out with a paddle in hand, you are probably heading to a beautiful location. Paddling is a fully immersive activity that helps you quickly connect with nature. Nature has a calming effect on many people, and it also helps give you a new perspective.

Witnessing wildlife while paddling like the majesty of seabirds, sea turtles and fish, or simply admiring a pristine coastline helps you shake off animosity and can help couples let go of petty disputes.

5. Active People Tend To Be Happier

When you exercise you release endorphins, which can translate to better moods. Good moods are always a plus when you want your relationship to last. Paddling is like a full-body gym workout, which means you are bound to release ample endorphins.

Staying active outdoors has all sorts of benefits, and these are amplified times two when you paddle as a couple.

6. Shared Interests Are A Plus

There may be some truth to the saying “opposites attract,” but even if you and your partner are nothing alike, it’s always good to have a few common interests. Paddling gives couples a common bond.

No paddling adventure is the same, and there’s always something new to share in the realm of paddling destinations and paddling gear. Sharing this common interest also makes buying the perfect paddling gift for your partner very easy.

7. Tandem Paddling Is A Great Way To Share The Burden

When times get tough, couples must share the burden. This can be a financial, emotional, or physical burden. Tandem paddling with your partner provides you with valuable practice on load-sharing.

Sometimes you will need to rest or want to take great photos from your paddling vessel. Other times your partner may need to take a break. This give and take makes your paddling adventure smoother, and gives you good practice for other aspects of your relationship.

8. Paddling Helps Keep Spontaneity And Adventure Alive

Some couples grow distant and part ways because life together becomes boring, mundane, and repetitive. If you make paddling a consistent habbit, then you always have new adventures and experiences.

Even when you paddle at the same time on the same day of the week, you are never going to have the same experience twice. This is one of the many joys of paddling.

9. Longer Routes Often Inspire Meaningful Conversations

Communication is essential if you want any relationship to survive, and it’s also important while paddling. Sometimes it’s hard to find the right time, or even time when the two of you are alone and attentive.

Paddling in the middle of a body of water is the perfect place to open up and share. Sometimes all it takes is a few hours in a boat together and certain philosophies, and perspectives start flowing out of you and your partner.

These paddling conversations can start casual, but can sometimes get deep. Sharing these intimate thoughts while paddling is bound to bring you two closer as a couple.

10. Paddling Helps You Get On The Same Page For Vacation

When you plan a vacation as a couple, the idea of the perfect vacation destination can vary significantly from person to person. The types of activities you plan to do on vacation can also be quite different between you and your partner.

If you both love paddling and paddling together, then you can fly to an epic paddling destination for most of your vacations. Even if you two like to do different things, you can at least plan on at least one paddling excursion each time you travel together.

11. Paddling Through Frustration Is Great Practice For Real Life

No matter how well you plan for a paddling trip, sometimes things go wrong and your adventure can grow frustrating. This is good preparation for a life together with your partner. If you can weather a storm in a kayak, then you can weather the other storms of life.

If you struggle to work through your frustrations with your partner while paddling, then you know what you need to work on.

Give it a try

Paddling as a couple can certainly have its challenges, but it can also be quite beneficial for your relationship. Paddling with your partner allows you to practice problem-solving skills, and can help you find your rhythm. Exercising can put you both in a better mood and being in nature can give you both a fresh and optimistic perspective, all while building incredible memories you can keep for your lifetime.

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