
by  Dagger

Cypress Description

The Cypress is a kayak brought to you by Dagger. Read Cypress reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

Cypress Reviews

Read reviews for the Cypress by Dagger as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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Boat was purchased for a…

Submitted by: bowfish on 7/26/2013
Boat was purchased for a member of the family to use in triathalons. It never got used for this but we used it for day trips and it was a much loved kayak. I sold it when it was not used much as I used my Delta for bowfishing because of the larger cockpit It was a great boat.

I always wanted one and…

Submitted by: BoyScout on 8/15/2006
I always wanted one and finaly got one this year. the cypress can be a nice fun kayak. for a nice price alll things considered. or a real pain. I have met few who didn't like it. and while it is not my main boat or likly to be. I enjoy the tracking speed, and ease of turning. The only people I have seen that couldn't enjoy it for what it offered had a few common facters: 1) the wrong size to small/big; 2) balance issues, or unable to get over the initial balence of the kayak; 3) expect too much from it and don't except the learning curve that goes with any new boat.( no matter how big/small)

The only reason for a 8 rating is that I prefer more open kayaks or canoes and tend to be picky on the back support. The freind who is keeping it for me loves it. I just hope I can get it back from him the next time I want to cruise the lake with it.


I rate this boat as average.…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 8/5/2002
I rate this boat as average. Tracks ok,comfortable and decent looking. It's just to much work to get where I want to go. A normal day for me is 8 miles up the coast of Lake Michigan near Manitou Island and then back again. I need something more efficient on the water that can handle larger waves with out the bow going through the wave instead of over it.

Beginners please consider what sort of trips you will be taking and in what sort of water so you don't end up like me paying $677 for a boat and hope you can sell it for at least $400 if I'm lucky one month later.


I bought the cypress last…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 7/18/2002
I bought the cypress last fall and took it out a few times then hung it up for the winter and couldn't wait until the high water of spring. Wisconsin has great rivers where I live ranging from quiet water to fairly good white water. My 3 sons think it is an old man's boat but on a recent trip to the Brule River I was surfing both of the ledges of the river. The next day my oldest son took it to a whitewater river with a number of 3 and 4 rated rapids and had to admit that it is a fun boat. This boat is very controlable in the down stream portion of any of the 20 different rivers I have taken it so far. I have not had a problem with up to class 3 rapids and though I can't(or want to)do the big rapid tricks, this is a great boat for everything else. Very comfortable,quick, and glides sooo smoothly. Buy one today!

I'm very new to this sport…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 6/6/2002
I'm very new to this sport and also did a lot of shopping around before setting in on a Dagger Cypress. What a great boat! I immediatily felt comfortable and stable in the boat and found it very easy to paddle. I would recommend the optional rudder, because I have found it to be a big help in tracking and turning. So far I've been on several lakes and rivers. I've taken it through class 2 rapids and it handled great. I'm leaving on a four day river trip tomorrow and am anxious to see how it does fully loaded for the trip.

I bought the Dagger Cypress…

Submitted by: paddler229671 on 5/6/2002
I bought the Dagger Cypress with a rudder, and took it out for the first time today. I should also mention that I am a total beginner; this was also my first time EVER in a kayak.

At first it felt tippy to me because of my inexperience, but within a few minutes I began to feel more secure in it. It was very fun to paddle, and the cockpit was comfortable. It tracked reasonably well, although I'm sure it will be even better after I master rudder control! Speed was very good, although my daughter's Perception Catalina was faster (which ticked me off, especially considering I paid about $180 more for my Cypress!).

Another cool thing is the variety of colors you can get it in! Mine is a really pretty teal blue with white cloudy swirls. Very cool looking. Overall, I would recommend it.


I am a beginning kayaker who…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 2/14/2002
I am a beginning kayaker who has been searching for a kayak to purchase for over a year. In May 2001 I went to a kayak demo day on the Chesapeake Bay. The first boat I tried was a $3000+ full-blown sea kayak. I hated it. With my beginner skills, I felt the boat would tip at any moment. I was so tense in it that I immediately brought it back to shore. After trying several other kayaks, I came across the Dagger Cypress. What a joy! I could not stop smiling. Even though there was a fairly strong wind, the boat tracked beautifully and was extraordinarily stable. The Cypress was so good that I could not believe it and kept coming back to it to confirm my earlier opinions. In fact, the Cypress tracked so well in the wind that I find it hard to believe that the optional rudder is needed. I also tried the Dagger Crossover, a hybrid flatwater/whitewater boat, but thought it was awful. It paddled like a barge and the wind blew it around terribly. The Crossover may be OK on fast flowing rivers but it was slow and tracked awful on windy flat water. This Spring I am going to compare the Dagger Cypress with the Current Designs Breeze model and then make my purchase decision. The Breeze will have to be very good to beat the Cypress.

To get to the point this is a…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 1/10/2002
To get to the point this is a great all around boat. It's 12' 11" and weighs about 54-56 lbs. I am able to lift it by myself without too much trouble. Since it has a rather flat bottom I found that it works well with my whitewater Yakima Kayak Stacker rack for the roof of my car. It is a very stable boat with a large cockpit. I am 5'8" and 175 lbs and it fits me just fine.

This boat is one of the fastest recreational models on the market today. It essentialy is a slightly shorter (and more stable) touring boat. There is one deck hatch behind the cockpit. There is a fair amount of room in front of your feet inside the boat too.

The only thing I wish it had was another sealed deck hatch in the front of the boat. No big deal though.

I actually have two of these boats; one with a sealed bulkhead and one without. In my opinion I think it's worth the extra money for the sealed bulkhead. It will save you time if you have to bildge pump the boat out in cold water.

Final 2 cents: good all around boat that fits into most garages and is affordable (paid between $500 and $550 for both boats).


I've been canoeing for years,…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 9/14/2001
I've been canoeing for years, and spent a considerable amount of time choosing a first kayak. We were looking for more room in our canoe for weekend camp trips (2 kids, dog, wife and I and gear - we moved like a barge). We wanted a kayak for general recreation and the ability to store gear to ease the load in the canoe on camp trips. I eliminated the Old Town's, of which my 2 canoes are both, because they felt heavy and slow in the water. It came down to three choices - the Wilderness Systems Manteo, the Acadia, and the Cypress.

After testing the three, I eliminated the Acadia. Strictly based on comfort. The Cypress and Manteo were more comfortable (I'm 5'8'', 170#'s) to sit for long periods. The Manteo and Cypress were both excellent, but I choose the Cypress because it weighed less, was narrower, and I liked the hull designed. (My family and I will use it primarily on lakes and rivers.)

I can only say that it performs excellent, is comfortable, and I'll have it for a long long time. Everyone who's used it has nothing but positive things to say about it. It fits my kids, they can handle it, and is easy to get gear in and out of. In lakes, it handles great through boat wakes, is stable, and easy to control. In rivers, it's absolutely beautiful.

For those looking for a fast, stable, recreational kayak, this boat is a great choice. I paid $550, which I thought was a good price. The only negative is that the decals appeared cheap. To me, who cares. I will say, my next kayak will be another Dagger, only longer - probably 16' long.

One last thought - spend as much time as you need to make the right decision, but if you're on the edge, this is a great kayak. You won't be disappointed.


Dagger Cypress boat is an…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 8/8/2001
Dagger Cypress boat is an excellent choice for paddling enthusiasts that want to camp, tour rivers, and maneuver through semi-rough white water. I recently took it on an over nighter in WV and paddled over 35 miles. We encountered class 2 rapids and with 50lbs. of gear in the boat, it took the water with confidence and quick maneuvers. I literally buried the entire boat and myself several times and found it to handle like a dream. I was a bit scared in the white water for the first time, but afterwards my heart slowed down and I became instantly addicted to the rush. I'm not sure if I would take it to class 3 waters. No complaints about low back pain sitting all day. I love this boat and will probably buy a Dagger white water boat next year.

I bought my cypress at the…

Submitted by: paddler229338 on 7/16/2001
I bought my cypress at the beginning of this summer. I spent most of last summer picking a boat. I opted for a rudder that was not a manufactor install. My friend has a wilderness systems manteo. I have a much flatter bottom and she has to get out and walk in shallows where I do not. I have better tracking with and without the rudder but the rudder is wonderful. We were on a windy river and I was able to just move right along. She worked twice as hard as I did due to compensating for the wind. I will say the dry hatch seems to leak a little at times, hence the 9 instead of a 10. It has just been a wonderful boat for me (5'6" - average build). My dealer, who had to special order it for me because he didn't carry the cypress, trusted my opinion so much he ordered 12 for rentals! And has been getting good reviews so far.

The Dagger cypess is a great…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 7/10/2001
The Dagger cypess is a great all around kayak. I have used it in the bay, gulf, ocean, and local rivers. It handled great in all of the conditions. This boats tracks straight with good speed and very stable in small swells and chop. I think this a boat is a good compromise of a recreational and touring kayak.

This was a great selection! I…

Submitted by: paddler229292 on 6/21/2001
This was a great selection! I read, reviewed, and tested everything in its class before selecting the Cyrpress for my wife and a savanah for myself.

The Cypress is well made, stable, a straight tracker, and easy to handle. It's a great first boat and pushes the rec boat - touring boat boundry.

We live in northern New York and paddle flat water from Lake Ontario marshes to Adirondack rivers, ponds, and reservoirs. For both day trips and weekends the Cypress performs!

Great value for a modest cost.


As first-time kayak owners,…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/31/2001
As first-time kayak owners, we shopped a lot and bought our Dagger Cypress kayaks because they were on sale and fit in our garage. Talk about beginners' luck! We have used our Cypress on lakes and streams of various sizes and even the Mississippi river. They fit me (5'6") and my husband (6'3"), provide great room for day touring, and have been great intro boats. They are easy to handle both in and out of the water, much easier to steer for beginners and hard to tip! We've since tested a lot of different boats and swapped with friends, etc. We're still very happy with our choice.

I Looked at many boats for…

Submitted by: paddler229129 on 3/1/2001
I Looked at many boats for months. I was prepared to pay higher price and was skeptical about going with a rudder. My gut kept bringing me back to the Cypress. I had a choice of 3 Cypress boats, two without and one with rudder. No pressure from the sales team at my outfitter, as a matter of fact, very helpful. My gut told me to go rudder! So I did.

The day after I bought the boat I was treated to surprising warm temps, sunshine, but moderate windy conditions. So I found a local lake, and enjoyed my new Dagger! I got to try this boat in calm and moderate winds, with and without the rudder. WOW! Tracks great, turns tight, stable even in crosswinds and crosscurrents. Someone in one of these reviews said the rudder becomes part of the personality of the boat. Well, yeah..and the boat became one with me too! Nice concise package, with quickness and manueverability. I agree with others...this is a light touring boat, not just a rec boat. Oh yeah, treat yourself to a rudder'll just smile even more as your gliding along on the water.

At 6' tall, I also found the boat hull and deck to open up once on the water. Plenty of room. Paddled 2.5 hours straight (in the wind) with no break. My legs and back still felt great.

All of the Daggers I saw during my search had high attention to detail and a price point that is hard to beat. Not that other specifc brands didn't, but I saw consistency with Dagger that was impressive. Add to that the attractive price point, and what magic!


The Cypress was one of the…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 1/29/2001
The Cypress was one of the fastest, better tracking boats I've paddled. I feel that it holds up to the ratings that it has been receiving, it holds a lot of gear, and more weight than needed. With added weight still tracks like its empty. I'm very pleased with my Cypress and feel it will be a fave of mine for some time to come.

When my wife and I decided to…

Submitted by: paddler228908 on 9/18/2000
When my wife and I decided to purchase kayaks after spending a summer in Maine, I identified two criteria. The first was cost and the second was versatility. I didn't want to get a recreational kayak with performance that I would quickly outgrow, but I also wanted some time in the cockpit before plunking down $1200 on a full-blown touring kayak. After months of looking at the options, I found the Cypress at REI on sale. Needless to say it fit the bill perfectly. I also was initially concerned about the fit when I sat in the boat at the store considering my height (6' 2"), however when I got out on the water the kayak fit perfectly. The edge control gained by being able to brace my thighs allows the Cypress to turn much easier than would be expected. It tracks well and has a clean, narrow look with surprising stablity. The seat with included padded cover is also far superior to anything I tried from the competition. My wife and I have two great kayaks that so far have allowed us to do everything we have wanted (including big rivers), for a price less than we would have paid for one "true" touring kayak.

The cypress strikes a balance…

Submitted by: paddler228900 on 9/11/2000
The cypress strikes a balance between performance and practicality. My expected uses where in exercise, and day touring, on flat water and some mild rivers around my home. I also wanted a Kayak that I could use to develop a wide range of kayaking skills. I am very pleased with my choice. The boat is easy to handle, store, transport by myself, and at $599 I got a the performance normally associated with much costlier designs. It tracks well and cuts cleanly through the water efficiently holding onto your hard paddled forward momentum. I was surprised at it's maneuverability as well. Though not fantastic through normal paddle strokes I found I could swing the entire kayak around with a few special strokes. The kayak is short enough I would choke up on one end of the paddle, and with long end, lean forward and swing the boat around with mostly horizontal paddle strokes near the bow.

I sat in a Cypress in REI before I made my purchase, and I was concerned with how little room there appeared to be for my legs (I am a big guy-250lb), and almost did not purchase the Cypress for this reason. Though the other boats I sat in appeared to provide little or no ability to brace against the hull for control. When I hit the lake with the boat I was pleased to discover that the buoyancy of the craft altered the shape slightly than on the flat surface of REI's sales floor (duh!) and that I had what amounts to a perfect fit. The snug fit allows me to control and steer the kayak with a great deal of leverage. I can really feel this boat like it is a part of me. I know have the right boat when it is time to start practicing my roll--which will be soon.

In my purchase, technical development was more important to me than stability, but it looks like I got a stable boat in the bargain anyway. I am amazed I did not dump the kayak at least once with the angles I leaned into. During one of these turns I was paddling and leaning on the outside of a turn when I pulled/leaned too far started to take on water into the cockpit. I instinctively sucked my center of gravity down and center and it came to without a hint of rolling. I took in over a gallon of water. It took weeks of research for me to choose my boat. It was a long time coming but I feel like the time invested really paid off and I got exactly what I wanted. I have noticed that most reviews by owners are positive, particular in this forum. Perhaps it is just difficult not have to have a good time paddling no matter the boat or water.


Simply the best, better than…

Submitted by: paddler228891 on 9/6/2000
Simply the best, better than all the rest! Sleek, glides across the water and stable. She really is fast. Much more than the recreational kayak label it has been given. She is definately light touring, glides smoothly with little effort on my part. Rudder becomes part of the kayak's personality. What can I say about Dagger seats, no lower back pain. This was a step up for me from my Dagger Delta, which I would of only given up for another Dagger. I had tested out other kayaks and I guess I was waiting for the Cypress which is new for this year.

A great all around kayak.…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 8/7/2000
A great all around kayak. I've launched it through 5ft surf with no problem (spray skirt needed) You cant beat the price. Fast with plenty of storage room.

As a kayak outfitter located…

Submitted by: paddler228610 on 5/14/2000
As a kayak outfitter located directly on the Atlantic Ocean, we have found the Cypress to be an extremely versatile boat. We have had children as well as larger adults paddle the Cypress with great ease especially with the rudder. This is a super stable boat without the bulk that some recreational boats have. I praise Dagger on their attempts to make a kayak for anyone interested in the quickly growing sport.

A step up from a rec kayak, a…

Submitted by: paddler228575 on 5/1/2000
A step up from a rec kayak, a little sleeker without losing the stability, faster, plenty of storage space, the optional rudder a handy item at times, easy to paddle all day.