
by  Dagger

Cayman Description

The Cayman is a kayak brought to you by Dagger. Read Cayman reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

Cayman Reviews

Read reviews for the Cayman by Dagger as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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This weekend I rented a…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 11/9/2011
This weekend I rented a Cayman for an hour and paddled it on Lake Mineral Wells for an hour--SSE wind of 20 mpg, gusting to 30. The boat ramp is at the south end of the lake. I chose the Cayman as it was the fastest kayak they had, and I liked the look of its bow--quite fine for a plastic kayak.

I am 5'8" and 225, and it fit me well. My legs are short enough the footpegs fit well, and it had the optional seat which was very comfortable. Ten minutes into the trip, the whitecaps started, and it was great fun surfing the waves. Twenty minutes into the trip I ducked into a quiet bay out of the wind. I then headed south into the wind back to the ramp. For 20 minutes I worked very hard for almost no gain, perhaps one mile an hour. If I had not had to be back in one hour, I would have just stayed out and played. Halfway back, the waves reduced to non-whitecap status, and I was able to increase to 3 or 4 mph.

The complaints I have are minor, with the largest being how wet the ride was, but one should expect that in a SOT. If I could find a kayak 2 feet longer and 2 inched narrower, one would have much more speed and not much less stability. I am seriously considering an RTM Disco, affordable and fast. But for a 12'6" kayak, the Cayman was fine and I would buy one as a backup if the price is right. If one has trouble tracking in this kayak, consider your paddling style rather than blaming the kayak.


The first paddle on my…

Submitted by: paddler230261 on 7/16/2003
The first paddle on my Cayman, I went out on the Mississippi; up river and into the wind. The boat performed well, but may benefit from a skeg/rudder at times. Very manuverable, stable and quite quick for a plastic boat. Dagger discontinued production of this model so I got a leftover/new '02 and screamin' deal! I have NO complaints.

I live, work, and play in…

Submitted by: paddler230214 on 6/25/2003
I live, work, and play in around the coastal waters of sc. I've been kayaking now for almost 10 yrs and love to surf! My first boat was a perception "kahuna", man what a boat. Very unstable so you had to learn to really control the craft and how to move with her. I put many. many miles on that boat. About 2 or 3 years ago it was stolen from my backyard. I used my wifes boat for a while a Perception swing and it was alright but just not my kahuna.

I looked around for another boat looked to Perception and didn't like what I saw, looked at Islander boats, but just didn't like the shape, lack of room, and the flatness of the boat. I also looked at cobra, but didn't like all the hatches, my kahuna had alot of hatches and did they leak!

I was just looking and found my cayman, this was the first boat that I found that I felt comfortable with look wise, shape, depth, and storage. The guy at the shop couldn't give me alot of info so I bought it. I like the boat I paddle the open ocean on a regular basis as well as surf when it's good and have even done some flat water paddling and didn't have any problems. Over all I like the boat I bought. I know this may sound alittle silly but the color is really cool as well.


This is a good multi-purpose…

Submitted by: mesten on 6/4/2003
This is a good multi-purpose boat which I use for fishing and getting around. My son and I have brought it on several multi-day river trips along with a Perception Carolina. Compared to the Carolina it is quite slow. However, it is incredibly stable. My 85 pound Labrador likes to ride in the back, and I never have to worry about tipping it over.

If your 6 ' or over forget…

Submitted by: souhami on 7/3/2002
If your 6 ' or over forget it, lousy leg room, second Dagger boat. Tracks poorly just like my old Edisto. sold both. Go for the Islander Moku or Wildersness System Ride both great boats

I've owned my Cayman for…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 6/25/2002
I've owned my Cayman for about a year.I use it for fishing and easy rivers like the mountain fork in O.K.It has good storage space,tracks ok(not as good as my Delta),and is comfortable with the purchase of a good seat/back support. I'm 5'9 180',needs more leg room,I took out the foot braces and solved that problem.

Just bought a Cayman based on…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/28/2002
Just bought a Cayman based on the reviews on this site. I found the reviews accurate! Stable kayak, lots of storage and fast for a sit on top. This kayak turns easily as well! I am happy!

Great stable river boat.…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/17/2002
Great stable river boat. Little short in the leg room. Rudder sticks and does not provide much turning ability.

Great all around kayak. Great…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 4/22/2002
Great all around kayak. Great stability and tracking. The storage areas are great. Throw a cooler on the back and dry gear in the front.

As my 2nd kayak it suits my…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 8/13/2001
As my 2nd kayak it suits my needs well cargo and dry storege as well as great tracking/turning + stability. rated for multiple water conditions. lives up to what Dagger advertices. But would sugest A GOOD back brace for it.

A reasonable plastic…

Submitted by: paddler228550 on 4/18/2000
A reasonable plastic sit-on-top. Easy to turn but its rounded bow makes it a bit mushy doing so. Quite stable and easy to handle. The very low tankwell cutout at the back introduces a lot of water on the deck. Closing this end up a bit would be a big improvement. It paddles easily if a bit slow, even for a sit-on-top.

Great fishing boat. Needs more area to mount rod holders. …

Submitted by: paddler228466 on 2/28/2000
Great fishing boat. Needs more area to mount rod holders.