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Inuvik Description

The Inuvik is a kayak brought to you by Clearwater Design. Read Inuvik reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

Clearwater Design
Inuvik Reviews

Read reviews for the Inuvik by Clearwater Design as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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Like many here, I have…

Submitted by: paddler1394827 on 3/25/2021
Like many here, I have paddled many leagues, tripping, rec, and for work as a ranger. Presently, I own, paddle, and rent 5 kayaks and a couple canoes. I recently picked up a previously paddled Inuvik to replace a much loved but ancient Loon 138. That boat was my go to for me and my shadow- a hound named Caesar. We hit the water earlier than usual this year and got some good ice breaking in, a canine rescue ( yup, Caesar leapt onto a big iceberg and got too close to the edge) after 5 minutes of maneuvering the 70 pound bugger with his life jacket, the ice flow, and the current, he got back in the boat. I must say, this hull is super stable. I was so impressed, I ordered a new hull to make a pair. My only con would be lack of knee/thigh bracing, I'm not huge- 185 lbs, 6 feet, but it's hard to really brace comfortably- a retrofit.

My wife and I bought inuviks…

Submitted by: paddler849682 on 8/12/2020
My wife and I bought inuviks 15 years ago and have used them to take us and our dogs on adventures. First with a 10 lb Yorkie and a 90 lab. Then with a 80 lb weimaraner and a 120 lb Dobie Shepard mix. This has been in the northeast. Now we are taking the last dog left to Florida with the kayaks. They have always proved stable and easy to handle. The keel is a definite benefit in tracking in or out of current or waves. I have had fishing success with mine and am finally going to spring for the fishing platform.

I got great help from Ian in…

Submitted by: paddler818437 on 7/9/2020
I got great help from Ian in choosing this model. I have knee and back issues and was looking for comfort. The cockpit is large enough to accommodate changing my seat And leg position. The seat is extremely comfortable.. I included a rudder but rarely use it because the Inuvik tracks beautifully on the water. Great Kayak for short and longer distance. Looks like I am going back to purchase the fishing platform. I love this kayak and have used it nearly everyday.

Just got this Inuvik from the…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 6/10/2020
Just got this Inuvik from the Clearwater's outlet from Kingston Ontario. The sales guy was very nice and helpful. The kayak is easy enough to load on the top of the car. I went directly to a lake and try it out. What a blast I had! ( I admit my rides until now were extremely "cheap" and low quality kayaks like Pelican from Canadian Tire, and a super heavy fiberglass cumbersome canoe) Huge difference, extremely comfortable and stable, lot of space, easy to get in and out....and hard to stop paddling and enjoying it :)

I have owned an Inuvik for 4…

Submitted by: paddler549207 on 9/4/2019

I have owned an Inuvik for 4 years and paddle weekly throughout the year, until freeze-over. I spend approximately 80% of my paddling on rivers and the remainder exploring Georgian Bay. The Inuvik has proven to be extremely durable (summers spent grinding down river rocks), stable, responsive, comfortable (4-6 hr typical duration), easy to enter and exit, and versatile enough to adeptly manage both rivers and open water. There is plenty of storage available in the cockpit and bow, as well as the compartment behind the seat. The Inuvik tracks well in all conditions, yet is maneuverable enough to enjoy up to class 3 rapids. The enormous cockpit is a huge asset but limits the vessel as a roll would be almost impossible, even with a full spray skirt. I have, to date, inspired six friends to purchase the Inuvik and their reviews have also been stellar. Good work ClearWater Design, the Inuvik is a winner!


This kayak is wide and…

Submitted by: josmond on 9/3/2019

This kayak is wide and stable, yet at 13 feet long it tracks very well. It weighs 50 pounds empty. I use this kayak for fishing due to its stability and large cockpit opening size. Clearwater Design builds great quality, very sturdy kayaks. Adding fishing rod holders and other rigging was very easy. There is ample storage and lots of room to move around in the cockpit. I would recommend this kayak to anyone as a recreational kayak, and especially as a perfect sit inside fishing kayak.


I've kayaked for many years…

Submitted by: paddler469125 on 10/2/2018

I've kayaked for many years and was quite skeptical about plastic boats but I bought one in good used condition this season and was very pleased the first time I took it out. I plan on adding more cushion to the seat to make it a bit more comfortable. Other than that it's a nice little boat that I would certainly recommend owning!


Owned mine for 2 years now…

Submitted by: campkayakontario on 9/10/2018

Owned mine for 2 years now and very happy. Hold up to 350 lbs and a large cockpit to fit my dog. Stays straight and moves good in the water


I purchased the Clearwater…

Submitted by: Naskapi on 8/24/2016
I purchased the Clearwater Design Inuvik kayak in June 2016 after test padding and comparing it to the pelican Kayaks sold at Canadian tire and costco stores I found the one piece extruded plastic hull very ridget although the 50lbs weight the claim seemed a bit heavier the seat is very comfortable with a inflatable lumbar support.

The kayak seems to track very well compared to the others I had tried the large cockpit area is great for taking extra gear or even my dog along the clearwater people seemed very prompt in shipping any accessories I purchased for it. I hope to have many pleasurable years of use from it...


I bought my first Inuvik 15…

Submitted by: paddler236694 on 4/13/2016
I bought my first Inuvik 15 years ago, and last year I bought a second so that I could invite friends along. I have had my boats in Ontario lakes as well as on the St Lawrence River. Even in very choppy water, these boats are very stable. I take out new paddlers often, and everyone always tells me how stable it is, compared to how they expected to feel. I'm a plus sized lady with long legs, and I am comfortable sitting in the cockpit. My 6'2" muscular son has no problem either. They are very durable- my teenagers have not always been careful, but even with a few cosmetic scratches, these boats keep floating.

I LOVE my inuviks and I LOVE the service I got at the Clearwater factory. I highly recommend these to anyone wanting to start out, or looking for a comfortable paddle.


At 6' 220# this yak is very…

Submitted by: paddler236600 on 11/25/2015
At 6' 220# this yak is very stable and built for rental purposes. My pain came in my size 14 sneakers due to the fact my feet had to stay turned out as the canopy is too low for my feet to be upright. Even brought my feet up and onto the canopy top center but then the different angle hurt my butt bone :(

A great overall kayak with a…

Submitted by: CCCacher on 7/31/2015
A great overall kayak with a large opening and high bow for rough water. The seat is comfortable with an inflatable lumbar cushion. The 350lb weight capacity makes this a good choice for the larger kayaker. The storage compartment has lots of room for your belongings.

Just bought a used Inuvik and…

Submitted by: paddler235267 on 8/8/2013
Just bought a used Inuvik and took it out today. It's a great boat, easy to get into and easy to paddle and maneuver. I find it a bit heavy and could not lift it onto my vehicle alone (fit female 140 lbs). I can move it using the handles though. Would prefer another compartment in the bow as that would limit the water that can enter the cockpit, but I like the large cockpit and plan to take along my Portuguese water dog on day rides.
In all, a very good value.

Bought my wife an Inuvik for…

Submitted by: paddler235010 on 5/20/2013
Bought my wife an Inuvik for her birthday and let me say what a nice kayak. Boat is very stable, has a large open cockpit which makes it easy to get in and out of and also allows my wife who can't sit still able room to move around and stretch her legs. Boat glides across the water and tracks very well. Plenty of room and a storage compartment to allow for a few days worth of gear.

I personally own a Perception 14' Carolina and as much as I love that boat I have to say that I may like the Inuvik a little bit better. Highly recommended if you're looking for a quality kayak but don't want to break the bank.


Value for money - Clearwater…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 4/2/2013
Value for money - Clearwater Design gets full marks! I bought an Iqaluit for fishing two years ago. Modified the boat by adding a pulley system for an anchor, secured sections of pool noodle in the bow (buoyancy in case of flipping), a pole holder just aft of the cockpit and a homemade "tabletop" for lures etc.

Just a month ago, I picked up the big brother Clearwater Design Inuvik. Same expanse of an open cockpit but an extra 50 pounds of payload. I bought the lumbar seat and swapped out the original molded plastic one. This gave me about 10 inches of open space behind the new seat and the aft bulkhead - nice! I cut in two fish pole holders again just aft of the cockpit and most excellent, I bought the fish deck table that is custom designed and molded to snap over the front of the open cockpit. This fish deck is well thought out and includes an adjustable Scotty pole holder.

Can't wait for the ice to get off the lakes up here in Northern Ontario so I can get in the water!! Oh, a different approach for added buoyancy - for this boat I secured a kiddies playground rubber ball up in the nose. Very very pleased with these Clearwater Design siblings


Hello all, see my earlier review (July 2011) It seems that while…

Submitted by: paddler234101 on 1/4/2012
Hello all, see my earlier review (July 2011)
It seems that while the Australian Dealers are like jet engines (they suck and blow) the actual ClearWater mob are AB-SO-LUTE-LY top line, they sent me a replacement bulb, complete with overseas postage, FREE...way to go Clearwater!...call it a 10.5/10...is that allowed?

The Inuvik is a great boat, do yourself a favour, get an Inuvik, an experienced paddler will have a hoot in it, but so will any first timer...even someone with some size and weight and bugger all balance will have a great time in this.
Thank you Clearwater


This kayak is a single body…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 7/27/2011
This kayak is a single body construction (no seam, 1 piece!) which means there is nowhere for it to leak or wear out over the years. It is a flexible plastic which will allow it to last many years as well. I found it to be very stable, even in rough waters with my Australian Shepherd aboard. He and and I go for hours on end on the lakes and he loves the comfortable room.

The foot pegs are in a great spot and the inflatable lumbar support is fantastic. The dry storage at the back seemed to take a bit of water, but a dry bag sorts all that out. It is also likely not the boats fault as I was in 1 meter swells and couldn't always keep the hull above the wake.

Great kayak! 10 out of 10! oh....and Canadian made!


I paddle a mountain lake in…

Submitted by: paddler234101 on 7/5/2011
I paddle a mountain lake in Australia, I'm a good average sized Aussie of 6'3" and about 220 pounds, the Inuvik takes me, my Labrador and a bit of gear easily on the lake. Its a dry and stable boat on anything but real chop when it does catch a bit of spray. It 'waddles' a bit when you are having a fair go speed wise but at touring speeds it is safe, ultra stable and easy to move, and tracks well, the drawback is trying to push this thing faster than it wants to go, I guess that's called "Hull speed" It is also quite agile even without a rudder on fast flowing rivers with grade 1,2,3 rapids, so long as you know how to sweep stroke. The Fit and finish are good and unlike other reviewers I find the foot pegs located just fine. I guess you little USA blokes have short feet?

It's a lovely boat as a recreational boat, its not any sort of racer. I give it an 8 out of 10 only as the (Aussie) after sales suck the big one! I can't even get one of those little rubber bulb and valves to inflate the seat, the valve died on the second trip and leaks badly but the (Aus) sales mob won't even return calls, the Boat deserves better than that.


A great kayak for beginners…

Submitted by: paddler233685 on 7/7/2010
A great kayak for beginners and the seasoned paddler. The cockpits are roomy and very comfortable in my opinion. Lots of storage and one hell of a kayak if you enjoy a little fishing. These boats are extremely durable and good in rough water (with rudder). Best kayak i have ever owned! A definite 10 out of 10

I bought my first and second…

Submitted by: paddler231824 on 9/29/2006
I bought my first and second kayaks this Summer. The first was a Streak by Mainstream, not a bad little boat but I'm a big guy, and the little cockpit was a hassle and I weigh close to the max weight, so when I ran across a second hand Inuvik for a bargain price, I jumped at it. I am delighted with this boat, its easy to get in and out of, tracks great, serves my purposes (fishing and photography) well, carries all my gear, and I'm planning on doing some camping in it this fall. I rate it an 8 only because I haven't had enough experience of other kayaks to compare it directly, but I couldn't be more pleased with it. I fount it a little awkward to load at first, but I have equippen my Yakima rack with hull raisers and a boat loader bar, and now it's a snap. I have a canoe I still like, but with the ease of handling this boat affords, ny canoe will be getting a lot less use. I keep my Inuvik on the roof all the time, and if I find myself crossing a likely looking stream or river, pond or lake, it's a snap to snatch it off the roof, throw it in the water and paddle away.

This is my first kayak I…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/16/2006
This is my first kayak I paddle on the Ottawa River and every second day; my route is about 10 km (according to goole Earth).

Yesterday I went out with my friend on my regular outing, he kicked my butt all the way and on top of that he was not even trying to go fast. By the time our ride was done I was dead tired…. Usually when we cross-country ski in the winter I’m the one in front.

I wish that my Inuvik would be has fast has is old wood kayak… What I have learned from reading comments and reviews this website is to trust your instinct and even if 500$ kayak has a satisfaction rating of 10/10 it does not mean it will be has good has a 3000$ kayak

Overall I like the Inuvik but wish it was faster.


I bought two used Inuviks for…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 7/18/2005
I bought two used Inuviks for an excellent price and was pleasantly surprised by how much use they got from my family and friends. They are large sit-inside boats -- very easy entry and exit because of the oversized cockpit. Lots of room for storage. Very attractive finish, and I like the way the hatches matched the hull. Stable as a barge -- in fact, it's a great boat for introducing scared newbies to paddling. Here are a few things I didn't like: a) The boat was hard to load and unload by myself -- I couldn't really balance it well, and I found it heavier than I had hoped for; b) Its shape is great in the water, but it doesn't sit even on my trailer because of its pronounced rocker and upswept ends; c) The footpegs are too high and not particularly helpful; d) I found the seat very uncomfortable and always had to supplement it with a cushion. But take these things in perspective -- you'll be hard pressed to find this much boat elsewhere for such a reasonable price.

I love my Inuvik. We are on…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 6/17/2005
I love my Inuvik. We are on the water every spare chance we get and it's a great boat. Tracking is wonderful and speed is great. Maneuverability in streams is also surprisingly good for its size. The company is also great. I wanted another seat with a higher back and they exchanged my seat at no charge, not even a shipping charge. That's awesome customer service.

I bought the Inuvik kayak in…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 8/30/2004
I bought the Inuvik kayak in July 2004. It is a good kayak, tracks well, is very stable, spacious and handles well on windy days. On the negative side, my boat weighs in at 60 lbs. while it is advertised on the company's webb site as weighing 49 lbs. My wife is 5 ft. tall and cannot reach the footstops. I am 6'1" and I personnaly would prefer a higher back rest.

Bought this, our 1st. yak…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 6/7/2004
Bought this, our 1st. yak becuz the factory is 10 minutes from where I work, and they were holding their annual spring blow-out sale of factory seconds with slight imperfections. The deal was too good to pass up. Although having never kayaked nor researched various designs/mfg's./options, I just sorta jumped in and started paddling away without difficulties. Same goes for the wife. Never the less, we decided on some lessons fro Bernie Gray on the Bay of Quinte, Belleville. Bernie plunked us in some new Wilderness Systems Cape Lookouts. It didnt take long before I was questioning my Inuvik purchase since the Lookouts are obviously a different and better class of boat. That aside, once we were done lessons, we heade back to our Inuvik, and felt that it was still a really good baot in terms of our boating venues, those being small in-land cottage lakes as well as slow moving rivers. This boat holds a steady course when paddled directly into strong winds, and is easily manoeverable by myself,(6'1" 180), as well as by my wife, (5'2" 125). Our golden retriever has been addicted to canoeing for years, sitting by the boat all weekend waiting for the next trip, and had no problems hopping in this kayak as well. I found the added weight made the kayak track even slightly better. Great rec boat. Sorta curious about some sleeker designs however and will be checking out the Prijon Capri Touring and the Catalina, as our second boat.

I just got a good deal on a…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/31/2004
I just got a good deal on a new, last years model of the Inuvik and have had it out a couple of times. This kayak isn't anything fancy but is a straight forward solid kayak. It tracks nice, is easy to propel and with the slight vee bottom it has good primary and secondary stability. The larger upswept bow is definately a plus when crossing deeper lakes that are a bit choppy. It does a nice job of riding up and over the waves and also wake from large motorboats. I think without a skirt I would have gotten wet in other kayaks with a lower profile bow design. The wind did have a slight effect as a result of the bow design but I mostly noticed it when I was drifting while fishing. Fishing from this kayak is also a blast with plenty of room for poles and gear and good stability for landing the fish. I plan to begin outfitting the Inuvik with fishing accessories soon starting with paddle holders. The only negative comment I have is the design and style of the seat. I have read that all new models are equipped with a new inflateable seat cushon design which mine does not have. At the outfitter I was dissappointed with the confort of the seat and was preparing to replace it directly, however once I had it on the water and had my lifevest on, it was nicely confortable so I'll probably perform only minor alterations. Overall, great kayak for the price and for that reason it is a good one to play around with aftermarket customization and rigging, especially for fishing. All I have to say is: imaging fishing from your livingroom recliner... That's not too far from the reality of kayak fishing!

I test-paddled an Inuvik last…

Submitted by: scott_smith on 5/18/2004
I test-paddled an Inuvik last night along with 3 other kayaks from other manufacturers and based on the strength of that I'll be buying one shortly. It tracked straighter, ran faster and was more maneuverable than the other boats and it costs about half the price!

I purchased the Inuvik last…

Submitted by: paddler230571 on 5/18/2004
I purchased the Inuvik last January and am just now getting it in the water. I love the way it tracks and the ease of paddling. The fit and finish come up a bit short. Foot pegs are too high, too short. Other than that, I don't think you could get a better deal for the money.

Have had my Inuvik 2 months…

Submitted by: paddler230511 on 4/12/2004
Have had my Inuvik 2 months now. Use it for salt water fishing in shallows. Works great! The footpegs are pretty much non-functional (too small) but you dont really need them. Tracks fairly well and gets moving quickly. A little rust on one of the seat bolts already though. As a female, weight was important. I can single hand it onto my car and muscle it across dry land without much problem. Could use some standard cleat attachments for anchor, leash, etc. Overall, a good buy for the bucks and I am pleased with it!

Placed an order for the…

Submitted by: paddler230267 on 7/17/2003
Placed an order for the Inuvik based on a demo paddle. When the kayak arrived, there were no footpegs. When we found footpegs, we realised the rails had been installed too high in the bow and the pegs wouldn't go into the rails. Quality control seriously lacking as paperwork indicated two different people had signed off on the boat. I cancelled order, got a refund and bought the Sun Guide. No regrets.

I just bought the inuvik and…

Submitted by: paddler230126 on 5/19/2003
I just bought the inuvik and i've been very happy with. it tracks well and dose not need a lot of power to get going. best for the buck!

My Inuvik is my first kayak…

Submitted by: paddler230051 on 2/17/2003
My Inuvik is my first kayak and how lucky for me it is. Easy to paddle and lots of space for gear. Priced too low in my book. Needless to say I dont canoe much as I have for years I ...Kayak..WOOHOO!!

I just purchased an Inuvik…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 2/11/2003
I just purchased an Inuvik and I am very pleased with the ample foot room and the comfy seat. Also the sealed bulkhead and dry rear hatch is an added bonus. The kayak is very stable and tracks great. This was also priced lower than other boats of the same length. I would reccommend this to beginners as well as experienced kayakers. an A+ in my book.

I bought the Inovik by…

Submitted by: paddler229743 on 6/17/2002
I bought the Inovik by Clearwater and it tracks very well without a rudder. It does have a lot of room, I use it to fish back rivers marshes I fish saltwater as well, it's a blast I have started a trend.