After using a "standard" paddle, and an ottertail, I thought the BB Beavertail might be worth a try. It isn't as easy to paddle as my ottertail, but does move my canoe with greater authority. It can be as quiet as my ottertail when entering the water, but requires a bit more attention to technique. When the wind kicked up this afternoon, it was the BB Beavertail that moved me to windward best!
The paddle is supposed to weigh 24 oz, and according to my digital scale, the 63" model weighs 22.55oz !!! The blade is sanded down to 1/4" at the outside edges on its lower half, and grows much thicker toward the shaft. The shaft and grip are large in size, but that's fine: if someday I decide the paddle could use a trim, it's much easier to subtract wood than to add it!
Speaking of the wood, the grain on mine is very attractive, and it's medium dark hue matches my canoe's wood gunwales. The beavertail is a steal at $60, and will be my new all-around paddle. I'll have to buy one for my wife as well.