For 850 bucks, I got a nearly new stratos on Craigslist. Today was the first day on a flowing water, & guess what, I toppled. are the things. This kayak is like walking on ice. It slips on water rather than floating. One false judgement & you are upside down. It's round hull tapering at bow tends the boat to be absurdly sensitive. It catches the current & drifts on.
My toppling story...I was to Wade under a fallen tree, leaving gap for kayaks to pass by. My group consisting of 7 passed under & I was last in line. Keeping my bow just in line to pass under I paddled ahead. All of a sudden the boat drifted and took me straight to the portion of tree branch where it was narrower. I caught hold of the branch and tried pushing back. The boat turned sideways and I realised I am upside down. I was snuggled inside the boat & somehow came off.
The inundated boat combined with it's natural weight was too much for a self rescue. Inspire of fast current, the river wasn't deep enough that I cud not walk across to the shore.
Lesson learnt- this boat is a speedster & requires great precision to handle. Narrow width & long structure is not made up for a relaxed recreation but for adrenaline pumping recreation.
Doesn't have anywhere that you cud carry refreshments or cup holder. Stuffing your bags between your legs to be done at own peril. In the eventuality of a contingency-exit, you are in for trouble.
Am I going to keep it?...ya...maybe, like a guy who is not into avid racing but still keeps his race-bike to see the neighbors. And for trips? Well I have my slow, bulky, but ever reliable pelican mustang