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How to Pack a Kayak for Overnight Trips

 One of the greatest things about sea kayak camping, is that you can fit an amazing amount of gear in your kayak, which can make your camping experience remarkably comfortable and luxurious. At the same time, it can be incredibly frustrating if you have to dig through all of that gear to find things.


Packing really is an amazing exercise in organization and planning. There are a few tricks that can really help out.

First off, it's a lot easier to pack a lot of little things instead of one big thing. And secondly, if they can't get wet, you'd better put it in a dry bag. It can also be incredibly helpful to label bags, or use bags of different colors for different things.

When packing your boat, distribute the weight as evenly as you can between your bow and stern. And try to get the weight as low and centered in the boat as you can.


On a final note, remember to keep the essential things close at hand. Like safety gear, water, and a first aid kit.

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