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  • How to do the Stationary Bow Draw Canoe Stroke

How to do the Stationary Bow Draw Canoe Stroke

The Stationary Bow Draw is a stroke that only works when you have forward momentum. It's used by the bow paddler of a tandem, or by a solo paddler to turn the canoe to the on-side.

The Stationary Bow Draw gets planted in the water just ahead of your knee with the shaft held as vertical as possible, and with your torso rotated to face the paddle. Both arms should stay lightly bent with your shaft arm's elbow kept close to your body and your control hand held out in front of your forehead.

Now turn your control hand slightly so that your thumb points toward your forehead. The power face of your paddle should now face the bow of your canoe.

Although this won't do anything if you're sitting still, when you're moving forward, the power face will catch a lot of water, so make sure you're ready for that force.

By holding fast and not letting your paddle get pulled away from the canoe, you'll cause the canoe to turn towards your paddle. 

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