Greenland Side Sculling Tutorial
Step by Step
A: Lie back until your head is as close to the deck as possible, preferably touching it.
Hold the paddle in the extended position, sticking out to the right.
Grip the blade with your palms upwards.
B: Begin sweeping the paddle in a 30 to 45 degree arc.
Rotate the blade with each stroke to ensure it skims across the surface.
Apply pressure under the deck with your right knee.
C: Continue to swing your body as far as your flexibility will allow, until you are perpendicular to the kayak.
Continue to sweep the paddle.
Using your knee pressure, gently allow the kayak to rotate to vertical or further and lift it back up again.
Learn to balance the pressure of your knee to achieve the angle of the boat you want.
D: To recover apply greater pressure with your right knee to flatten the boat, and at the same time sweep the paddle aft as you rotate your body towards the back deck.
Keep your head in the water until your left shoulder is on the back deck. Do not sit up until your head is back on the center of the boat and the paddle is perpendicular to the kayak.
Try not to sweep the paddle back further than perpendicular.
Christopher Crowhurst (kayaker) | Boat: Tahe Marine Greenland kayak | Blade: Novorca
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