I've owned the Moskito FW 2000 (affectionately the "Evil Moskito") for a couple years and keep trying to use it as a super fast sea kayak. I have a love/hate relationship with this kayak, and had to develop my own rough-water reentry procedure for the inevitable far-from-shore capsizes plural.
Things this kayak does well is that it is solidly constructed, and lightweight (I have the carbon version), and fast, and I find it absolutely beautiful in red/black carbon fiber. I had to replace the tiller bar for the exact reasons mentioned in previous reviews, and now have gas pedals which I love, and makes the kayak quite responsive.
Big complaints are that the cockpit entrance is way too small and makes reentry an art-form. Filing down sharp edges helped a lot, but the entrance is just too small for a 6-foot paddler. I also find it very unstable and am not able to sit in it without a blade in the water even with the seat lowered -- forget messing with the GPS or eating lunch from this kayak, it can't be done. It is about equally stable in rough conditions as flat water since it is active bracing in either conditions that keeps it upright. One other complaint is that when piercing waves, the front hatch kicks most of the wave straight into your face. If this kayak were one inch wider beam with similar hull shape, much larger cockpit entrance, and slightly redesigned deck with redesigned tiller bar (like mine!), and a back rest which I have also added, the kayak would be fantastic for those who like to go fast but also enjoy sea kayaking.
I have also taken this camping and additional cargo does help stability, but there is only cargo space in the rear, so it is difficult to balance the load.