Seadart 14

Seadart 14 Description

The Seadart 14 is a kayak brought to you by Heritage Kayaks. Read Seadart 14 reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other kayak recommendations below or explore all kayaks to find the perfect one for you!

Heritage Kayaks
Seadart 14 Reviews

Read reviews for the Seadart 14 by Heritage Kayaks as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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I have been kayaking for 50…

Submitted by: paddler524567 on 7/8/2019

I have been kayaking for 50 years and find the sea dart to be one of the finest boats made~ Love the sea worthy design. attention to details, and storage! top choice for open water in florida cruising must sell one of two boats to pay some bills, not sure what to price it at? 14 sea dart 11 upgraded seat with padding and lumbar any suggestions?


Stability is excellent,…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 8/10/2013
Stability is excellent, tracking and speed are good. Get ready for a wet seat - the seat well is lower than the main cockpit and will hold water. The pad eyes located forward of the foot pads seem to be on the wrong side, if you want to attach thigh straps - the foot pads interfere with the strap path to the pad eyes. I bought mine used, and the bulkheads are leaking. If you're handy like me, you can work around all of these issues (I installed a drain plug to deal with the leaking bulkhead water) and the overall performance for a plastic SOT more than makes up for it.
I'm very happy with this boat.

Love this Boat!! I am 245 260…

Submitted by: paddler234999 on 5/13/2013
Love this Boat!! I am 245 260 and she had no problem with me! and once she in the water tracks well and if u have the power flys! even my Girl 114 lbs wet had no problems in water. Out of water the kayak is 14 feet long and close to 65 lbs for me no prob her, ya ya i carry it to the water. Still love this boat!

I purchased my Heritage Sea…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 11/27/2012
I purchased my Heritage Sea Dart in 1999 and have put many miles on it in open ocean settings and on a large lake and river. I am contemplating a new kayak and would buy a new Sea Dart. I also have a Heritage Osprey that my son loves.

My wife and I both own…

Submitted by: rzweig on 2/13/2008
My wife and I both own Seadart 14s and love them. They track well and though they feel a little tipsy neither of us have flipped over: We've used them on rivers, lakes in Arizona, California, and in the ocean in Mexico and around the Olympic peninsula. The only drawback is it's 63 lb. weight.

We are very happy with them. My wife bought hers 3 yrs ago and after using hers a few times I sold my Necky and bought a Seadart too. I´d give it a solid 8. We don´t go out on excursions of more than 3 to 4 days... and that's only a few times a year.


After years of fishing from…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 6/20/2007
After years of fishing from recreational type SINK’s, I decided to try a SOT to see what all the “Hoopla” was about. After two less than satisfying experiences with a WS Tarpon 140 and a Cobra Explorer, I stumbled across a used Sea Dart 14 in the local classifieds and took a chance. First, let me say that the Sea Dart caught my eye because it looks like a kayak should . Graceful and sleek. Not like a bar of soap or a pregnant surf board. When rigged with a rudder and deck lines ( as mine was), it’s borderline handsome!

Anyway, here’s my review:
Capacity: While others claim 250#+ weight capacities, the models I’ve tried/owned, plowed like a barge when my 200# frame got it. This yak took me on and didn’t flood the cockpit when I pulled the single scupper plug (like I’ve been subject too before.)
Performance : this yak seemed to get up to and stay at hull speed without a struggle using my narrow blade touring paddle. Very similar effort and speed as my SINK’s. MUCH better than either of my previous two SOT’s. I’m guessing it would be faster (with less initial stability) with a lighter paddler. (BTW: the sponsons clear the water surface with my weight but they don’t have to rock more than an inch to get there.). It turns a bit slow without the rudder but no worse than most 14’ yaks ( of either type) I’ve owned. A wider paddle with more bite might help here. The hull has low, flat decks for and aft and sloping sides amidships. This helps to shed wind, spray ( and even paddling drippings) effectively. Stability: I was initially a bit concerned on reports of “tippyness” with this unique hull style but they proved (for me) to be inflated. With the sponsons JUST out of flat, calm water, they tend to act like training wheels in a light chop and give me the stability of a full 28’ wide hull without all the drag. There is a slight amount of side to side play but it’s not distracting while fishing and hardly worth noting IMHO. (Again, a 150# paddler might have a different perspective.).
Features: The good and the bad is that the cockpit is narrow/small and a little deeper than others. You feel like your IN the boat vs on it. It gives a more secure/ attached ( and drier) feeling than you get with many SOTs. However, the tradeoff is that it doesn’t leave allot of room for instant access to fishing gear, lunch etc . Here is where the hull storage comes in. My boat has the older style gasketed hard hatches which I personally prefer over the (new) soft type. Two latches give you fast access to a 10” D hole ( one fore and aft) that can store quite a bit of lunch, clothes, gear, etc. There is a foam bulkhead splitting the inside of the hull interior just behind the cockpit. Nice for safety and keeping things dry. Not so nice for internal storage of long fishing rods etc. The seat height and angle keeps my butt dry if I do my part. The short backrest is so-so and will be replaced . (I will likely opt for something with a bit more height and a storage pocket.)

Summary: At last, a SOT that I can live with! In case it’s not clear, I REALLY like this boat and plan to keep it. It’s good looking, well designed and delivers a happy trade off between the performance of a SINK and the safety and convenience of a SOT. I give it an 8 of 10 only because: a) NO boat is perfect, b) it’s a little heavy at 63#, c) limited in cockpit storage d) still leaves you exposed to the elements a la all SOTs.
Bottom line: If you want a good looking, quality made SOT style yak that isn’t a total log, and can live with limited cockpit space, then BUY THIS BOAT.


Bought Sea Dart, used, rigged…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 2/11/2005
Bought Sea Dart, used, rigged with three Scotty Rod Holders, anchor trolley, and am very pleased with its overall performance for fishing here in Florida. Added a deluxe Surf-to Summit seat. Dart handles well without rudder, easy to enter and exit to wade. Wish it were lighter, but able to handle with a small dolly. After using our SINK's, I consider the Dart fairly stable. It is stealthy, can move it quietly with the Onno paddle, and still enjoying it. Well worth the money.

I purchased this boat last…

Submitted by: paddler230818 on 9/28/2004
I purchased this boat last spring. The only problem I had with it was the seat is a piece of crap. I purchased a seat from my local shop and install pad eyes for the seat to attach. Beyond that I love this boat. I paddle in bay and estuaries and this boat is much faster than my bathtub (Drifter). It is tippy, and honestly I do have concerns about self rescue, but other than that I really enjoy this boat. I'm a "fair weather" paddler so I don't really worry about the camping ability of this kayak. I would think it's hatches are too small. I really enjoy it however.

The first thing that strikes…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 5/24/2004
The first thing that strikes you is its Greenland design. Unlike many SOTs, it looks like a classic kayak. However, the higher sides make it a bit harder to self-rescue. The performance lives up to its appearance, as it is very quick for an SOT. It takes chop well and turns okay. Padded handles at the point of balance make it easy to sling around and grab lines are handy. Foot pegs are on an aluminum track. They're easy to adjust and lock solidly. Hatches are easy to use, but are somewhat limited in size, as is stowage. Forward strap padeyes are low and forward of the footpegs, augmenting control via knee lift. All in all, a very enjoyable kayak.

I've owned my SeaDart for one…

Submitted by: SeaDart on 3/11/2002
I've owned my SeaDart for one year now and I am very satisfied with it. I have found that it handles well in choppy water and wind when other kayaks are having trouble, I keep tracking in a straight line making really good speed for a sit-on-top. I use my boat in bays and off the coast of San Diego and the North coast. It seems to be very sea worthy and it goes out through surf well. I find in large waves it is not the best for surfing but it is good for adjusting your speed to make surf landings. It is a bit heavy and it takes some skill to turn it quickly. Also it tends to be a wet ride in waves but it is very stable and reliable and fast. I paid $625 for mine since it was an older model and I am very happy with the amount of boat I got for the money, I really enjoy it.

I've paddled a Dart for over…

Submitted by: paddler229593 on 2/18/2002
I've paddled a Dart for over a year now in all sorts of weather here on BC's southwest coast. I give it an 8 as an all-round boat not because I have reservations about it, but simply because no boat is perfect. First the good things. The Sea Dart is comfortable and versatile (like all SOTs vs. sit-insides). It offers a very dry ride. It tracks _very_ well, even in tricky winds. It is stable, even in confused and rebounding seas. It has sufficient storage for multi-day trips (I started as a backpacker, so I pack efficiently). And it's fast for its length: with a bit of effort, I have kept up with a friend in a 17' glass boat over the course of a day.

Now the bad. Its small hatches and shallow cargo areas limit the size of drybag you can fit in (I divide all my gear into 10 liter bags). It doesn't exactly turn on a dime, though an aggressive lean will help things. The cockpit will probably not fit a paddler much larger than I am (6'2"). It isn't feather-light (I have the original version - 63 pounds) and handling it on shore can require some work.

Do I like it? Absolutely!! I have covered many miles solo in the last year, in every season and in widely varying conditions, and the Sea Dart has been comfortable and dependable.


Tried out a Sea Dart at a…

Submitted by: paddler230414 on 6/18/2001
Tried out a Sea Dart at a demonstration today and unlike the Heritage Osprey which I also paddled, it was stable, relatively fast, and tracked beautifully as well. The Osprey was tippy, too short, and not spacious enough for my intended purpose- fishing. Plan to take the Dart out on the Chesapeake Bay after the purchase is made. The store guy reassured me it was the right boat for that kind of use- seaworthy. I give it a 9 as I'm relatively new to kayaking and haven't bought it yet, but will give an updated review down the road. Nice to paddle and a unique design as well, can't wait to get it out on the water.

The Dart is the nicest…

Submitted by: paddler228735 on 8/31/2000
The Dart is the nicest "quasi-touring" sit on top out there (tied with the Necky Dolphin). The larger Heritage sit on tops are far too difficult to turn, too heavy, and too limiting (limited cargo despite large boat, etc.) The Dart, on the other hand, is a very versatile boat: Great for evening/weekend paddles, will get through surf, and would be an ideal kayak fishing platform if you have to get some distance from shore. It is faster than almost all other sit on tops (especially with larger paddlers aboard). The Dart tracks like a rail without the rudder (unlike the wiggly Oceak Kayaks or Cobra models), but does not turn very well. Nor does it hold much cargo. If you want to do some extended camping, and carry the gear on the boat, the Dart isn't the right boat for you. But you can put nearly anyone on a Dart and they'll keep up with slower touring boats with ease. The Dart is heavy for its size, but well constructed. The only defect is that some people with short torsos and flatter paddling styles may destroy their knuckles on the high, raised, curved cockpit sides. Take the Dart out for a short paddle and see if you destroy your knuckles before you commit to a long outing. There are only two <16' sit on tops that regularly keep up with slow touring boats: The Dart and the Necky Dolphin. The Dart has greater speed and stability than the Dolphin. The Dolphin turns easier, and can be fitted with a rudder and cargo pod, and has a tankwell. If you want to go places on a sit on top (other than the surf line or the bay), the Dart and the Dolphin are "the" short list.

The Sea Dart is a very good…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 7/30/2000
The Sea Dart is a very good all-around performer. Good initial and excellent secondary stability. A nice boat for surfing, but keep an eye on the hatch locks, which may flip up in the turbulence (this alone is not enough to pop off the hatches...they must also be twisted a quarter turn...but being extra careful, I give them a nudge with my paddle if they do pop up). It is a good touring kayak, with plenty of storage below deck, and it maintains a good cruising speed. An excellent boat for younger paddlers, as it is not so big as to be intimidating, but at the same time I am completely comfortable in it (5'11" 210lbs.). Tracks well, yet turns fairly easily. At only $770, a great value.

It's a bit heavy, and it's…

Submitted by: paddler228662 on 6/10/2000
It's a bit heavy, and it's not the fastest boat.(it doesn't "slice through" the water) but I bought one. It' a great boat.I've had several kayak's over the years.My biggest complaint with closed cockpit kayak's were that they were hot inside in summer.The seadart is one of the few sit on top's that is built like a kayak and not some thick,surfboard looking thing.Get one,you won't be sorry. I use mine year round.(paddle long island sound and lakes in the Berkshires). Rudder is very useful. best sit on top (POLY) out there.

Excellent tracking craft. It…

Submitted by: paddler228586 on 5/4/2000
Excellent tracking craft. It tracks so well that close manuevering is difficult. If you need to cross a windy lake or bay this yak is the ticket. Excellent support from the cockpit.

This is my third kayak. It is…

Submitted by: guest-paddler on 1/17/2000
This is my third kayak. It is a good looker- great classic lines (Greenland style). It handles beautifully in heavy seas, which I love to paddle in. It tracks like a dream, great for going long distances. For a plastic boat, it is really great. I am a [lightweight] woman, but I can put it on the roof of my car myself. I agree with a prior reviewer that it would be nice to have storage bungies on the front deck, but they are easily added by going to any marine store where they sell bungie cord by the yard. That's what i did. The under deck storage compartments are big, so you can carry plenty of stuff below deck. This boat is incredibly stable! It is also an open cockpit, so you don;t need to learn how to eskimo roll to paddle safely. I use it year round in long island sound.

This is my first kayak. It is…

Submitted by: paddler228150 on 6/29/1999
This is my first kayak. It is very stable, quick, and easily turned. 63 pounds is a little heavy but I can get it on the roof of the car alone. Only thing I don't like, no storage bungies on the front. Would recommend it, though.