Weight (lb)

Freedom Options

  • 36 lb
  • 46 lb

Freedom Description

The Freedom is a canoe brought to you by Clipper Canoes. Read Freedom reviews or submit your own review to share with the paddling community. Check out a few other canoe recommendations below or explore all canoes to find the perfect one for you!

Clipper Canoes
Freedom Reviews

Read reviews for the Freedom by Clipper Canoes as submitted by your fellow paddlers. All of the reviews are created and written by paddlers like you, so be sure to submit your own review and be part of the community!

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I've owned the Freedom for…

Submitted by: Paddlejam1 on 9/2/2021

I've owned the Freedom for about a year and half. I've mostly just paddled it for exercise. I'm able to maintain a 5 to 5 mph pace for an hour in it. I get about 5 strokes to a side before switching. It tracks really well and will turn decent while leaning to the outside of the turn. It also responds to a J-stroke if you want to just cruise. Mostly, I paddle on lakes and it handles boat wake fine for me. All in all, I'm very satisfied. Here are a couple videos I took of me paddling it.


I have the Clipper Freedom…

Submitted by: Marlin on 8/7/2013
I have the Clipper Freedom solo canoe in the Kevlar Ultralight lay up with the black trim . It weighs in at about 40lbs. that is not really that light for a 16'7" ultralight solo canoe . But it feels more solid than other ultralights like the Wenonah Advantage. It is an older Jensen design and has front and rear flotation tanks. Like the Advantage it has a foot brace and a sliding bucket seat. Like the Advantage it has good speed and is fairly stable, but what really sets it a part from the Advantage is the 3 way adjustable seat.

It is a well made solo canoe that is a little on the heavy side, but a joy to paddle.


Eugene Jensen designed a…

Submitted by: pedaler on 9/3/2010
Eugene Jensen designed a wonderful canoe for the solo paddler, finely built by Clipper Canoe up in Abbotsford, B.C.

Unfortunately mine was shipped by a freight trucking company (echo logistics – central transport international) and very badly treated, arriving seven days after first shipped, (only a 15 hr drive according to MapQuest) and was damaged in the stern besides a broken rear thwart. Since I had a trip planned for the upcoming weekend, I received the canoe and spent the next day repairing it. Western Canoe was very helpful in supplying materials for the repair.

My trip was planned around my nephew's wedding I was attending up at Clearlake, CA. We had a cottage rented right on the lake, so I loaded both canoes (an Esquif Avalon and the Clipper Freedom) and a couple of bikes to round out the trip. The weight of the Kevlar Freedom was very much appreciated (36# as compared to the Esquif at over 60#).

After a quick trip to Oakland airport to pick up the folks and a stop by the brother's for lunch we made for the lake, arriving there a little after 4 in the afternoon. Couldn't wait to unload the canoe and go for a paddle – I have to admit I was a little apprehensive at first, I mean the Freedom canoe is one of those odd looking shaped canoes with the bow and stern sharply pointed and the middle portion wide with the greatly flaired tumble hone to the gunnels'. I also had a new bent shaft paddle from Bending Branches (new boat and new paddle). Again the lightness of the canoe aided the carry to the put in.

The Freedom has an adjustable seat and footrest assembly - the seat was in the middle position (up and down) and could slide forward and back as well as the footrest (fwd & Back) and neither very well adjusted in the water. So I set out in a neutral position and enjoyed the sensation of paddling my first solo canoe. Wow! Very impressed, felt comfortable right away, goes pretty straight but boy takes a lot to turn, tried a couple of those off camber turns (leaning the wrong way in a turn) and quickly learned the way to brace! It gets right on over in a hurry and is easy to hold – I didn't even notice if any water came in over the gunnels.

I paddled it for five days straight in mostly flat water, light ripples, and some wind. I noticed the flat bottom in swells lifts and rolls if not straight to the swell angle, surfs swell and the wind really was never a problem. I rigged an adjustable rope to keep the seat being pushed backwards by the leg action, and am still fooling around with the positioning of the seat and foot brace.

After a couple of days out of the canoe I returned to it last night at my local favorite lake. It was breezy, warm and just hopped right in and paddled! A friend joined me on his SUP And was surprised at how I could easily out distance him (however I defiantly took this to my advantage to learn my reentry skills in open water and cool off).

I'm very proud of this canoe and hope to enjoy it for a long time!
Peter Rudnick August/September 2010

Photos available at http://www.flickr.com/photos/rudnipe/sets/72157624871478752/