Gram Kajak Carbon Greenland Paddle 220cm

Condition: Used

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  • Gram Kajak shoulder

    Gram Kajak shoulder


This is less than 6 months old and in wonderful condition. This comes with a Eastpole paddle bag and a Nigel Dennis paddle leash.

Unlike other carbon Paddles, this Paddle does not get slippery when wet because of the special surface. The surface is not rough, no blisters, it just has high friction, like my wood Paddles. The handle is oval 31x36mm / 1.22″ x 1.42″. The soft shoulders make it easy to use Greenland-style sliding strokes, while still having a positive index of where the blade starts to emerge from the loom.

The new 9100 has softer shoulders that gradually emerge from the loom (or shaft), but still provide a good index for the hands.
It has got the same well proven reliable click assembly system, the same flat tips and the same low weight as the model 9000.

The joint is shaped like a hexagonal tube, which is locked with a simple snap lock.

loom length is 52cm

overall length is 220cm


Approximate Location

Location is approximate