Aspen Azul Swede form sea kayak

Condition: Used

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The amazing Aspen Azul with the fast Swedish design.
Swede form (as opposed to “fish form” the Swede form is ideal for top-heavy paddlers, i.e. tall folk) asymmetrical hull design for a different field of edging and efficient turning it provides a smooth and fast ride through the water due to the long water line and positive lift from the stern.
The storage capacity is exceptional despite the speed and handling access to the large compartments is through two large hatch openings bow and stern. The compartments themselves are sealed with sturdy unmoving bulkheads that provide a water tight seal and structure to the kayak.
Incredibly comfortable and paddle position due to the cockpit shape and generous space around the knees while still maintaining a low profile sleek deck.
A positive feel of stability and precision is dominant in this kayak while it's efficient glide allows great distance to be covered with ease. All in all Aspen provides an interesting blend of traditional North American design style with the traditional Swede form to bring an effective and graceful kayak to operators and to individuals looking for an efficient expedition kayak.
The designer is Louis Rondeaux.
It is 17 feet 6 inches, 29 inches wide, the cockpit is 30 by 16, the weight is 45 lbs, and the material is Nomaxx which to all practical purposes is Kevlar.
Dagger rudder with spare. Skirt included!

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