Paddle down river, took about 2.5 hours, water was very low. Some places required scooting along the gravelly bottom. You constantly had to pay attention to sections with ripples over shallow rocks and head to the right or left of them, trying to stay deep enough to paddle. Three paddlers set out around 4 PM with clear skies and 70 degree weather. River banks are muddy all the way down (90% was through forest preserves). We chased a pair of ducks all the way down river, 100 yards at a stretch). We did have one place where we had to get out and portage over some fallen tree debris. A second place, we are able to clear it to get through.
This will not be an enjoyable paddle if the water was any lower, but we had a great time overall.
Water was 12" to 24" deep most of the way, but dropped to 6" in some spots.