Middle Run To Jackson's Mill

by  jbryzek

A self-supported trip created by jbryzek

Trip Overview

Put In: Middle Run Public Access Site (carry down)

Take Out: Jackson's Mill Public Access Site (concrete ramp)

Length: 6.5 miles

Estimated Time: 3 hours

Flow: Impounded, West Dam located 1 mile downstream of put-in


Put-in is a grassy/mud carry down access. This section flows through residential housing areas. There is the Weston Dam 1 mile after the put-in. Portage dam on river left. No defined path but the area is grassy and owned by the city. There is no sign alerting river users of the dam ahead - dangerous situation since you can't see or hear the dam in advance. Re-entry downstream of the dam is a bit muddy, and the stream bank is steep and rocky - be careful. The river passes through downtown, mostly behind older buildings. The river is narrow and fast moving in this section, but there are not large riffles or waves. Eventually, the river flow slows significantly, and the channel deepens. A loud pump structure on river left where Stonecoal creek enters. The rivers continues through residential areas, and then eventually turns to more rural and forested sections. There is a log that spans the river. It is possible to paddle over the log, but it does take some maneuvering. As you approach Jackson's Mill, Class I riffles appear. This area is mostly just large waves, but there is a small ledge as you near the bridge. At low water levels, this section could be tricky to navigate and your boat might scrap the rocks. One fisherman said water was 1.5 ft higher than normal. Lots of trash in river in this section, including a great variety of sports balls in great condition. The take-out is a concrete ramp, although there is mud at the end of the ramp before the waterline.

To avoid the dam completely, you can park in the free parking area in front of the asylum and start the paddling downstream of the dam.

View on-the-water imagery here: https://arcgis.earthviews.com/...

Safety Notes

Portage required, Class I riffles above take-out

Portage Notes

Portage around West Dam on river left

Trip Details

  • Trip Dates: 4/5/2023
  • Sport/Activity: Kayaking, Canoeing, Stand Up Paddling
  • Skill Level: Beginner, Intermediate
  • Water Type: Flat/Sheltered Water, Whitewater (Class III+)
  • Number of Portages: 1

Trip Location